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Bound Series
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TW: Any trigger warnings
  The first born child who held the hereditary right and chief authority over a country or state and its people is determined to be an emperor, empress if they are female, who can rule for a period of time before retiring or they can retain their crown until death. Although, an emperor must always have the blood of royalty in their veins or be married to one suitable for the title of Consort.   When an emperor dies, his eldest child becomes the next to inherit the throne — whether that be his daughter or son — this is referred to as hereditary succession. However, if the emperor did not have an heir, another member in his family — usually a sibling — is appointed as the new emperor or empress. Other emperors, however, can come into power by winning battles and conquering lands during wars.  
Vlad narrowed his eyes. In his hand, he twiddled with a quill. Setting it down, Vlad leaned forward, tucking his fingers together, a scowl on his lips.  

Vladimir Tepes: "So, you think you have what it takes to become Emperor, do you? What an utter fool."


Kěith Cheonsa: "You raised me as your heir. I have every right to claim the throne and if I have to, I'll challenge you for it."

  Vlad let out a hollow chuckle.  

Vladimir Tepes: "I'd like to see you try. Perhaps you could deminstrate for the empire just what kind of emperor you would be. I bet you'd enjoy making boys line up to-"

  A snarl left Kěith. For years he had tollerated his father's abuse.  

Kěith Cheonsa: "Believe what you may, Father, but I am taking the throne. It is my birth right as your only heir."


Vladimir Tepes: "What about Léhä?"


Kěith Cheonsa: "You know exactly why. She's not the offspring of you and Mama."

  Vlad shot out of his seat, pointing a spindly finger at Kěith's face.  

Vladimir Tepes: "Do not mention her, you worthless spawn!"

— conversation between Kěith and Vlad

Table of Contents

His Majesty / His Majesty the Emperor
Quick Facts
Nobility, Hereditary
Form of Address:
Your Majesty (Formal)
My Lord (Informal)
Current Holders:
Related Locations:
Related Organizations:


The emperor's power is mostly limited to feudal nobles and other powerful men and women in their monarch. Emperors are sworn in with an oath to fulfill their responsibilities, especially to the monarch, although the details of the oath vary from one empire to another.  
  • Emperors have a special seal used to stamp official documents. This signified that the document was genuine.
  • Emperors are expected to lead their men into battle.
  • Emperors also claim their right to rule by the Fates in order to maintain control.
  • Only when the emperor runs out of money or when an army is needed for war are more taxes imposed among the people.
  • Emperors sought approval from the church and the dark priests.



Hereditary is the first thing that makes an emperor, but so does a significant test. This test requires the heir to either defeat their father in combat or take challenges of fighting in an arena and defeating a legion of warriors.  


A new emperor is appointed after the death or the retirement of their parent and the ritual they undertake is a one week long meeting with the nobles before taking on the test.  


To protect the empire and its people, to defend the pure and purge the evil, and ensure that the will of the empire is made manifest.  


Typical Childhood

Those of the royal family always have a designated heir. For the children of Lucifer, the Light and Morgana,the Reckoning, their five children were given domains of their own. Some were even made to seek out their own land for an empire.   Normally, an emperors' childhood is not easy and as part of the royal family, they are also subjected to threats. The heir may already have their future laid out for them - to be the next Emperor or Empress.   Most royals and nobles do not see the family as a source of happiness. Most young emperors think of succession as a duty to the empire. Young men and women of the royal families are put into marriage and more often than not, it is common practice among the royal families to arrange marriages for their children years ahead, especialy for the heir.   As a child, the emperor enjoys many privileges to create an impression among the common folk. However, various responsibilities come with this privileges. Just as knights are taught the artistry of battle at a young age, so did the emperors and their heirs. Training on military tactics, combat techniques, study of their empire's history and the surrounding nations are part of their education.  


Most common folk are educated with special tutors that contain private and sensitive information. Young boys from the noble and royal families learn fundamentals of Elvish and Liberal Arts. Young emperors are also taught about court life, manners and other teachings, including military tactics and combat techniques.   An emperor's education including games being played at an early age, allowing them to learn how to use a sword, riding, jousting, and fighting. Some young emperors would go hunting and hawking for royal pursuits. Studying the Holy Writ as well as studying about their history, native tongue, and other languages also became part of an emperor's education.   Emperors' education are strict and rigid. Lessons started at sunrise and ended at sunset. Raincall months education lasted longer than icegrasp months as they could spend more time studying during raincall or glimmercrest.  

Castle Life

The palaces are built as a means of protection for the emperor. An emperor's life in a palace is mostly comfortable. Emperors have their own private chambers as opposed to the large rooms that knights share among themselves.   Most palaces have great halls where the emperor uses to hold events in the palace such as celebrations, feasts, banquets, and meetings. Emperors activities at the palace include attending to business and political matters concerning them and their people. Some emperors summon lords to participate in these activities as well.   Part of the emperors' life in a palace is a court. This is a term used to describe the emperor's household and the council. Emperors seek advice from the wise men of their court and these men consisted mostly of dukes, barons, lords, bishops, members of the church, and sometimes, relatives.   Emperors do not really stay in palace all the time. A common pastime for emperors and noblemen is hunting. Other forms of entertainment are also embraced. Board games, such as Fates Chess, are a common and essential part of an emperors' life in a palace to help fight boredom. Musicians, entertainers, such as jugglars, are also hired and invited to perform at the emperor's court.  


The kitchen is one of the most important parts of the palace. Whenever the emperor is around, banquets are usually held. The food of an emperor is almost always extravagant, while most of the menus for banquets are extensive. However, only small portions are usually consumed. More often than not, social etiquette has influence over the choice of food prepared during the feast.   Good food is always part of each feast. This included colored jellies, different kinds of meat and livestock, such as swans and peacocks. A variety of dishes are also served to the emperors and noblemen. The food for an emperor is mostly from meat or fish and are served with spicy sauces.  


Dark clothing is befitting for an emperor, although, they are also known to wear lots of golds and purples. In some empires, an emperor may wear the furs or bones of his slain enemies, such as the golden fur cloak of Crown Prince Kěith Cheonsa.  


In times of peace, the emperor's responsibilities are to pass or reject the motions put forth by the Raven Senate and have the final say in all important matters, as well as keeping an eye on the members of the senate to make sure everything is normal. In times of war, the emperor dawns his weapons and armor and give speeches of motivation to his army before sending them off to battle.

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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