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Mythica, the Enchanting Herbalist

While nobody knows who owns this wonderful and enchanting shop, the shop knows exactly what you need and when you need it. When the shop was built it was enchanted with a spell that would read a customer's mind and items around the shop would gather together at the checkout counter. All the customer needed to do was walk straight up to the counter and wait for the items to be placed in whatever bag or box it needed to be in. Once the customer paid, they were free to take the box.   Some customers find the shop's ability to read their mind intrusive, but the intent behind the spell was for good will and helping check the customers out faster, without the hassle of arguments breaking out. If the shop was out of something the customer needed, the shop would make a note on a small clipboard, ready to notify the customer when they reached their spot at the counter. The notification would always be a slip of paper, sort of like an IOU but with an order confirmation number and when to check back in for the item.

Table of Contents

Quick Facts
Shop, Enchantment
Parent Settlement:

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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