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Blood Bond

The Blood Bond is a system of control, making the victim (thrall) infatuated or obssessed with their master (regnant) against their will.   The bond is created when another drinks the vitae straight from another kindred, much like the Embrace. If the Blood of a vampire is allowed to stagnate, even just a few minutes, this effect will not take place, and it requires three separate drinks on three separate nights to take hold. However, once it has, the thrall experiences a sense of loyalty and sometimes even a degree of infatuation towards their regnant. As the bond removes the thrall's general sense of free will, they will do whatever it takes to make their regnant happy and fear angering them. Many Kindred that have fallen to a Blood Bond will not recognize it as anything but a mutual desire. In some cases, a Blood Wedding might be formed which is where both Kindred are bonded to each other. Make no mistake in thinking of this as love, instead, it is an obsession and addiction between the two Kindred. One that turns into an abusive and dysfunctional relationship as the years go on.   Unlike Dominate or other Disciplines, the level of the thrall's Generation or Blood Potency does not matter, making it an effective yet cruel tool. Kindred may only bond as many vampire thralls as they have dots of Blood Potency, and a thrall may only have one regnant which makes them immune to other Bonding attempts while still Bound. Should a vampire attempt to bond another thrall above their maximum Blood Potency limit, their oldest thrall's Blood Bond will fade over the course of a week.  


The Bond Strength is equal to the number of times the thrall has consumed the vitae of the regnant. The maximum level of Bond Strength is 6 and decreases by one each month the thrall does not consume the Blood. Should they wish to attempt something against their master's wishes the thrall must make a defiance test of Resolve + Intelligence vs. the current Bond Strength level. When the regnant is present in the scene, the test must be made once per turn. However, it is only made once per scene if the regnant is not present.   In order to break the Blood Bond, the thrall must have their Bond Strength reduced to 0 over time. The regnant might perhaps choose to start refusing to give them blood. However, if the regnant is actively searching and wishing to maintain the bond, the thrall must make the defiance test once per session to avoid them, or more often, should the Storyteller decide that the thrall is recalling the regnant in their mind  


See Ghoul for more information about blood bonding Mortals.


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