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Dietrich Eisenhart

Captain Dietrich Eisenhart

Captain Dietrich Eisenhart, the seasoned Man-at-Arms in service to the royal court of Dawnstadt, boasts a distinguished military career and an unyielding loyalty to House Falkenhayn. Hailing from a long line of skilled warriors, Eisenhart has dedicated his life to honing his martial prowess and safeguarding the realm. Having served in numerous campaigns and proven himself on the battlefield, he now stands as a stalwart defender of the royal family. Renowned for his strategic acumen and unbreakable discipline, Captain Eisenhart commands the respect of the royal guards and is entrusted with the crucial task of maintaining the security and order within the court and the city. His unwavering commitment to duty and his charismatic leadership style make him an indispensable figure in the court's military structure.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
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