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A Frenzy is a moment the Beast takes control, an experience where all rational thought and reasoning disappear as they are driven solely by rage, hunger, or fear. During this moment, a vampire will do whatever it takes to reach their end goal, be it draining someone they loved dry or tearing them to shreds. Unlike the other quirks of the Blood, a Frenzy is never subtle.
  • To resist a Frenzy, a vampire must make a Willpower test against a difficulty set by the Storyteller.
  • This pool is composed of their unspent Willpower and 1/3 of their Humanity rounded down.
  • Should they succeed in this test, they will spend a turn suppressing these impulses unless it is a critical success, whereupon they resist without losing their turn.
  • Upon failure, the Storyteller will generally take control of the character till it passes. This roll does not allow for the use of Blood Surge or Willpower to reroll failures and does not include Hunger.

Ride the Wave

  If a character decides to give into the Beast, rather than make the test. The Storyteller should allow the player to play out this Frenzy themselves, while still abiding by the rules of the Frenzy itself, such as allowing them to decide who they feed upon first.  

Effects of a Frenzy

Below are the effects had on a vampire during a Frenzy;
  • They are immune to Health based penalties, short for mutilation.
  • They can only use physical Disciplines.
  • They gain three dice to resist mental Disciplines, should there be no resistance pool, the Difficulty to use said Discipline should go up two.
  • They may use Willpower to take control of their character for one turn.
  • The vampire cannot be provoked into a different Frenzy and cannot receive any new Compulsions.
  • They remain in a Frenzy until the requirements of the type of Frenzy are met.

Types of Frenzies

Fury Frenzy

  • Caused by insults, humiliation, or aggressive risks towards those they care for.
  • They will not stop till they destroy the object or person who caused this Frenzy and succeed in a Willpower test with the Difficulty varied depending on if enemies are still in the room.
  • If they fail, they will continue to destroy everyone and everything in the room unless subdued.
Friend Killed 2
Lover or Touchstone Hurt 3
Lover or Touchstone Killed 4
Physical Provocation or Harassment 2
Insulted by Inferior 2
Public Humiliation 2

Hunger Frenzy

  • Whenever they fail a Rouse Check at Hunger 5, the vampire must make a Willpower test for Frenzy.
  • In addition to this, the Storyteller can add in other times when a Hunger Frenzy might trigger such as drinking blood or smelling it at Hunger 4.
  • During this time, they will do anything they can to find a fresh source of blood and will do so violently till they reach Hunger 1 or below.
Sight of open wound or overpowering smell of blood while at Hunger 4+ 2
Taste of blood while at Hunger 4+ 3
Fail Rouse Check while at Hunger 5 4

Terror Frenzy

  • Also known as Rötschreck, it appears in moments of true danger, the Beast will attempt to take control and preserve itself from threats.
  • In general, this manifests from sunlight or fire, but grave damage can also cause this.
  • During this, they will flee from the scene no matter who or what is in their way and will keep running till they can no longer perceive the threat.
Bonfire 2
Inside a burning building 3
Being burned 2
Obscured Sunlight 3
Fully exposed to direct sunlight 4


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