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Kael von Nachstein

Kael Nachstein

Kael von Nachstein, the malevolent scion of Haus Nachstein, thrived on the darker aspects of his vampiric existence. In his mortal life, Kael had been a sadistic interrogator, his skills in extracting information through pain and fear unparalleled. His transition into undeath merely intensified these inclinations. Kael was embraced by the family to serve as their ruthless enforcer, a role he embraced with twisted pleasure.   Kael's cruelty extended beyond the physical realm, delving into the psychological torment of his victims. His insidious methods of breaking spirits earned him a notorious reputation within the clandestine operations of Haus Nachstein. The shadows whispered tales of his malevolence, as Kael reveled in the screams of those unfortunate enough to cross his path.   Kael operated in the macabre underbelly of Dawnstadt, ensuring that the family's secrets remained well-guarded. His loyalty to the Nachstein cause was unwavering, fueled by a sadistic joy in spreading fear and chaos.


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