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Otto Richter

Background: Otto was once a promising alchemist's apprentice in Dawnstadt. His insatiable curiosity and natural talent for concoctions caught the attention of Gregorius, who saw the potential for a valuable ally in his experiments. Captivated by the world of alchemy and the promise of forbidden knowledge, Otto willingly became Gregorius's ghoul, assisting him in the laboratory.   Appearance: Otto is a young man with disheveled brown hair and a pair of round spectacles perched on his nose. His attire consists of practical alchemical robes stained with various substances. Despite the intense work in the laboratory, there's a spark of enthusiasm in his eyes, reflecting his genuine passion for the alchemical arts.   Role: As Gregorius's lab assistant, Otto plays a crucial role in the experiments conducted within the secret chambers of the Nachstein estate. He is adept at preparing reagents, documenting results, and assisting in the more intricate aspects of alchemical procedures. Otto's loyalty to Gregorius is unwavering, driven by a mix of gratitude for being exposed to the world of alchemy and the lingering effects of the blood bond.   Personality: Otto is naturally inquisitive and possesses a keen intellect. His fascination with alchemy often overshadows any concerns about ethical boundaries. He is both loyal and ambitious, harboring dreams of mastering the arcane arts under Gregorius's guidance. While somewhat naive to the darker aspects of the supernatural world, Otto is quick to adapt and learn from the knowledge bestowed upon him.


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