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Willpower is a tracker, with both a maximum rating and a temporary amount of points to be used. It represents the character's confidence and determination to accomplish a task and is built from Composure + Resolve. It is not possible to purchase additional points of Willpower alone, instead, it is only increased by increasing either one of those stats.  

Spending Willpower

Players may spend their character's Willpower in a variety of ways and when doing so, must mark the tracker with one Superficial damage. Should the character hit Willpower 0, they are left Impaired and receives a -2 dice penalty for Social and Mental tests. Superficial damage is tracked with an "/" on one of the boxes per point taken, with Aggravated tracked using an "X" in each box per point taken.
  • They may use Willpower to reroll up to three dice (the dice cannot be Hunger dice) in any pool, except when the rules specifically exclude Willpower such as tracker rolls (Remorse tests, Frenzy tests)
  • Willpower may be spent to take control of their character for one turn during a frenzy or when under the influence of certain Disciplines.
  • To perform minor movements, such as movement of a finger while staked.
  • To ignore Health damage penalties, including Impairment, for one turn.

Recovering Superficial Willpower damage

  • Characters may recover their Superficial Willpower damage at the beginning of a session equal to either their Composure or Resolve (whichever is highest between the two). Unless, the session ends on a cliffhanger where the dwindling supply of Willpower provides a strong dramatic tension.
  • At the Storyteller's discretion, once per session, a character who acts to fulfill their desire may immediately recover 1 point of damage.
  • At the Storyteller's discretion, a character who plays out a messy critical, bestial failure, frenzy, or Compulsion in a dramatic way can recover one or more Superficial Willpower damage.

Recovering Aggravated Willpower damage

  • At the Storyteller's discretion, a character can recover one or more points of Aggravated Willpower damage when they have acted in significant beneficially towards a Touchstone or Conviction.
  • Characters can heal 1 point of Aggravated damage at the end of a session when the character has worked towards their Ambition.


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