The Mists Geographic Location in Darkverse | World Anvil

The Mists

The Mists are a proto-reality, the space between the material and metaphysical planes, between the worlds of the multiverse, In theory you can go to any place, and plane and world via the mists if you know the way to get there. Pop in to the see the gods via one path, go to Hell via another. The mists allow travel between worlds and other planes via a walking carvan or via larger passageways that can take large vehicles that can sail currents between worlds.


When in the mists, you in a world of grey, colours are almost leached out, and while you and yours that came with you still show colours, they feel muted and faded, and the world around you is just grey and white tunnels, with a luminous glow to them. But bar the odd fork, crossroads, unless you understand the fulcrum signs that are at some of those that been explored but not all. The Fulcrum give guides of how to get from A to B via visional maps of the marks to follow, but only members of the Fulcrum understand all of them and can work out how to get from from anywhere to anywhere.


The first race to make use of the Mistways, where the Le'shen Elves, the first sentient creatures after the Gods, these greenskin elves used them to travel the planes, mapping them and plundering the worlds, taking mortals to become their work forces first in their worlds, and then the cityships that became their home when the cataclysm destroyed their home. The Le'shen over the generations and centuries learnt to create portals, gateways and either pathways within the mists to travel faster and allow them to translate between the planes.   Over the centuries other worlds and people learnt to use the mists, and explored the many paths within them, but none other than the Le'shen could create pathways and permenent gateways into the Mists, until the Bavo'sand Crystal Mages started to create permenant gateways both within the City and then to other worlds, as well as permenant gates to the mists they seemed to have discovered the spells or abilities to create new dedicated pathways between 2 points. This allow them create a massive trading empire across many worlds and many places. Unknown to them they weren't the first people to do this, but the older civilisation protected their worlds from the Crystal Mages sight, so at least for now the mages only found similar level civilisations out there in the Dark.
Dimensional plane


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