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Deep in the woods, far away from many cities and towns, one can find a cave. It is deep and dark, but its inhabitants are not in need of light.


'Kiish is a complex cave system that span a couple kilometers underground. Many of the caves are filled with both stalagmites and stalactites, as well as streams of water running through, sometimes pooling in small puddles on the ground.


The caves are located in a tropical environment. They are humid, cool and have a very stable climate. The further down in the system you go, the less it's affected by the outside environment. It becomes quite chilly in the deepest caves, sometimes hovering around 7 degrees Celsius.


This is said to be the origins of the fladdronts species. Very few non-fladdronts have ever visited these caves, but many of the bat people make pilgrimages here at least once in their lifetimes.

'Kiish means origin in Echolian, but is also used as both cave and home.


The pilgrimage is a common rite for fladdronts, which they usually make once in their lifetime. They either travel alone, or with a group of friends and/or family, but not more than 6 people at a time. When they arrive they leave their belongings in the first cave.

If someone who isn't a fladdront comes to 'Kiish, they are not immediately allowed to enter. A few fladdronts live in in the caves and care for the area, and they are tasked with guiding strangers through only the top-most caves.

This article is made for Summer Camp, and may be incomplete, lacking both bits of text and images. This will be updated later!
Alternative Name(s)
The Origin, the fladdront's cave
Cave System

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Species | Jul 27, 2024

Cover image: by Karlo Pušić


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Aug 4, 2024 23:30 by Lady Wynter

I enjoyed reading this piece. It gives a quick overview of what these caves are and why they are important. It'll be cool to see this article in it's full glory.

Bringing the Light
Aug 6, 2024 19:28 by Agnes

Ah, thank you so much! :D I will make sure to update it when I can!