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Divine Hetsato (a.k.a. The Bright Burn)

In the beginning Hetsato was one of the prime gods. He represented some of the core concepts of life; light and warmth. Many adored him, following his commands and offering gifts as tributes. He loved his fellow gods, and the people that followed him. But as time passed, and more divinities were brought to life, he felt he received less and less attention.

The Sun and Light are the cradles of life!
— Hetsato

He tried to make the days longer. Athiss tried to convince him of the importance of balance, that the days can only do good if one can rest during the nights. The moon resisted him as well. Hetsato grew more greedy. He demanded more gifts and more praise. More, and more, and more. The sun burned hot during the days. Drought pestered the physical lands, and fires spread through the arid landscapes.

Nowadays, the nocturnal folk and those who follow the moon feel especially harsh towards Hetsato. He fought against the balance and the darkness, upsetting the Calm and the original dark.

Divine Domains

They are currently associated with burning light, greed, and heat.

Before Hetsato turned harsh they were associated with light, appreciation, and warmth. Warmth both referred to warm temperatures, and warm feelings toward others.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Fire, the color white, lightning.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Towering tall against simple mortals, Hetsato can take a humanoid shape at will. His hair is wild, whipping and rising from his head, almost like a fire.

Before his corruption he wore a simpler and calmer form; the hair was flowing calmly around him, a warm light emitting from each strand. His eyes were not the harsh beams of light they are now, but a warm, bright yellow.


Family Ties

Athiss, the godmother, is the one who breathed life into Hetsato and made him a living being. He became, like many of the early gods, like a son to her. She tried to stop his changes, but just like a rebellious teen, he kept her at arm's length while feeling all the more powerful.
This article is made for Summer Camp, and may be incomplete, lacking both bits of text and images. This will be updated later!
Divine Classification
Round and shining, harsh white (no iris or pupil)
Medium length, flowing, and shifting between red, gold and white in color.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark smooth skin


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