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Artifact Discovery Act 1

The players will begin aboard a small freighter. The freighter will be owned by an NPC, Dak Zendar. He will bring the players to Nar Shaddaa on a tip for a job. Players will be tasked with making contact with a broker, Vash Dasante on Nar Shaddaa. The broker will instruct players to rendezvous on a particular taxi platform. The meeting will happen on the platform.

Plot points/Scenes

Opening aboard the Starlight-class light freighter Sand Bagger flying through hyperspace. The players will be attacked by space pirates almost immediately after exiting hyperspace. They will have a brief space battle to engage in before continuing to planet fall. Players can explore the confines of the ship, their quarters, and even strike up a conversation with Dak Zendar in the cockpit.   Upon arrival at Nar Shaddaa, players can observe a proper landing/docking scenario. They will land in any one of the Space ports, and be introduced to a well-maintained and fully functioning star port facility. They can check out the docking bay, but they will be tasked with off-loading the cargo, which will not be a major, or menial task. After which, as Dak Zendar finishes refueling and resupplying, he will task the players with scoping out a lead on a new job, something that might pay a little better than crates of medpacs.   The players will then move out to the main section of the Star port, and eventually make their way to the taxi landing pads. They will then get their first real glimpses of how massive Nar Shaddaa realy is. They will then arrive at the Nikto sector taxi platform to meet with the contact.   Once the contact is located, and the players get acquainted, they will attempt to board the taxi, but will be interrupted by an explosion that will immediately kill the contact, destroying any identifying datapads or comms that he was carrying. The players will be stunned, and knocked back, reeling from the explosion.


Good vs. Evil
Plot type
Parent Plot
Related Locations

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