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Artifact Discovery Act 2

The players will have a speeder chase after a surviving Black Sun thug tries to get away. This will require a successful perception roll. If the roll fails then they will have to perform a successful search of the area to find clues to the escaping thug. The players will have to subdue and interrogate the thug, this could result in the thug dying, and thus would lead to the players being forced to search not only this thug, but also the remains of some of the other thugs. They could ask local law enforcement for assistance, and the local law enforcement could ask them.   Discovering the involvement of the Black Sun gang will lead the players on a search for the Black Sun base.

Plot points/Scenes

The opening scene in this act is the stunned chaos of the aftermath of the explosion. The players will be made aware of their surroundings, and the fact that a number of npc's will be attempting to flee the area. Before the players are able to get their bearings, or take any actions, they will be set-upon by a couple of attacking thugs. The identities of the thugs won't be immediately apparent.   The players will be forced to attempt to defend themselves. This being the first combat encounter of the game, it won't be overly complicated, but the hectic pace will still be present, due to the modifiers and penalties as a result of the explosion. Also, the suddenness of the attack won't permit the players to ready themselves.   The players will have an opportunity to attempt to rescue some of the innocent bystanders. The attackers may even attempt to take one or two of the innocents hostage to defend themselves.   After two of the attackers are defeated, a third, remaining attacker will attempt to flee. He will board a nearby speeder and try to get away quickly. If the players attempt to chase after the thug, he will attempt to lose the players among the traffic and obstacles of the planet. A speeder chase will ensue, culminating in the fleeing thug eventually being dismounted, or apprehended in some way.  

Chase Sequence

  1. Players board speeder to pursue fleeing thug. - Players will board the closest speeder and attempt to pursue the fleeing thug. There will be three speeders to choose from.
  2. Thug attempts to lose players in the traffic. - The thug will use the traffic to avoid blaster fire, and will attempt to pull signs/obstructions into the path of the players.
  3. Thug descends into the fog. - As players are distracted by traffic/obstructions, the thug will flee into the mists below.
  4. Players will descend and pursue at ground level. - Players will have to watch for obstructions/obstacles in their path. Once on foot, they will have to search the area.
  5. Thug will attempt to flee on foot. - Thug will ambush the searching players and then attempt to flee on foot, pulling obstacles like tents, boxes and shelving into the players paths.
  If the players refuse to chase after the fleeing thug, then they will have two options. They can either make their way back to Dak Zendar, or try investigating the bodies of the attackers for clues. If the players choose to investigate the bodies, they should find some kind of identifying card, or chip from Tyr's of Glory.   If the players decide to go back to Dak Zendar empty handed, then he will definitely be upset. He will most likely throw a tantrum, and be extremely stand-offish with the players. He will yell at them and order them to go after the fleeing attacker. If the players are stubborn or question his judgement he will threaten them with violence, even going so far as to shoot at them to chase them out of the ship. Dak Zendar will explain his reluctance to leave the ship, again if he hasn't already, by stating that he owes a lot of money, and has already lost one ship, and flatly refuses to lose another one. He will also restate the purpose of the players being aboard the ship in the first place; they were hired as protection to prevent further losses to his now overburdened, and floundering business.   If the players examine the bodies, and/or attempt to rescue some of the innocent bystanders, the bystanders could point the players towards the location of Tyr's of Glory. If, however, the players are unable to locate any bystanders, (they will be attempting to flee all of the violent activity), they could seek help from some of the local authorities, or possibly even some of the attendant droids that respond to the fire and explosion. If all else fails, they can locate a system map back at the spaceport.   Chasing after the attacker on the speeder will ultimately result in another explosion of the speeder. The players will find the fleeing thug still somewhat conscious. He will mutter something about the "Broker", Vash Dasante. He will also be carrying an ID chip for Tyr's of Glory. With a successful interrogation, the players should be able to learn that the broker was going to offer the players a job that this group of thugs were also tasked with performing as well. A successful search may also reveal the Black Sun logo tattooed on the thug in some location.   After discovering that Tyr's of Glory is the next location to head to, the players will be free to head to the location and attempt to discover the secret of the location itself.


Good vs. Evil
Plot type
Parent Plot
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