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Artifact Discovery Act 3

The Black Sun hideout is behind the facade of a typical cantina and gambling den called Tyr's of Glory. Players must find a way to infiltrate.   Players assault the Black Sun lair and face off against a gang general.   The Leader of the Black Sun gang faces his final demise. Players discover a holo with instructions from the same broker to locate an artifact, that could possibly be on Corellia at the moment.

Plot points/Scenes

The players will enter Tyr's of Glory through the main front entrance. They will most likely notice someone getting up and leaving through one of the back doors behind the bar. This should alert the players to some sort of activity going on behind the scenes, prompting the players to investigate. If the players fail to initiate an investigation, then after a moment or two, a thug will come out from the back with two more thugs with him. They will demand the players immediately follow them into the back.

If the players decide that they want to investigate, there are multiple ways into the back of the building. The easiest would be to check the bathrooms, which would have another entrance off of the far end of the room. Going through this door would lead to a hallway that branches off of the kitchen. This hallway also leads past the gambling den where most of the thugs will be hanging out. There will be 4 thugs in this room playing sabbaac.

If the players make it past the gambling den unnoticed, they will find themselves in the kitchen. There may be a single thug/cook in the kitchen, stewing up something to eat for the rest of the gang. He will offer resistance, but will only be wielding kitchen utensils as weapons.

The hallway on the right behind the service droid will lead to a corridor that is monitored by closed circuit, and will set off an alarm. All remaining thugs will begin advancing on the players positions at this point. The corridor has some crates, barrels and debris that players and npc's can use for cover.

Off of this corridor is the barracks. This is where the pirates keep their personal belongings. There will be some heavy blaster pistols, blaster rifles, and maybe some blast armor. There will be one thug hanging out in this room.

At the end of the corridor is the main warehouse. This is where Tyrion Kordex will be milling around. He will have a single thug with him. He will most likely attempt to pin the players down with the cargo crane to come up with some kind of advantage.

Once the players have cleared the warehouse, they will be free to investigate the rest of the building. There are two rooms off of the warehouse; Tyrion's quarters, and his office.

The office will hold the big secret, unless the players are able to somehow interrogate or convince Tyrion Kordex to reveal the info himself. The gang was tasked with killing the broker, and the players, to ensure that the Black Sun's involvement is not discovered. The gang was given a job to secure an artifact of some significance that is currently being held on Corellia. There won't be many details on what exactly the artifact is, and why it needs to be sought, and what kind of reward is to be offered, but that will be all the players are able to get. If they make a successful search roll, then they may be able to find the location of the base on Corellia specifically. This makes locating the base easier in the next adventure. The message will also reveal the identity of the next nemesis Mor'duk Norte.

The quarters will reveal some credits and personal items stashed away. Nothing significant weapon-wise, but more decorative and personal mementos. There will also an unusual vocal modulator that the players will not immediately recognize. The vocal modulator is from an old HK series droid, but the players will have no way to determine this just yet.

If the players fail to investigate the office, then they may be able to investigate a speeder parked out back to discover the same message stored in vehicle's memory.

After finishing investigation of the hideout, the players can return to their ship in the spaceport hangar. Except they won't be able to board...

It's surrounded by @Black Sun thugs!

Plot type
Parent Plot

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