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Hiring Smugglers Act 1

The players will have to regain access to their ship and see what happened with Dak Zendar. Ultimately, they need to get off-world. Thugs are surrounding the ship. They need to either fight their way in, or try and talk their way in. The thugs are mostly Weequay, and thus talking will be highly unlikely to work with the players.

Plot points/Scenes

The first scene will be the layout of the Hangar and how the players plan to address it. If they wait too long, or if they attack the Weequay outright, then 2 of the Weequays will quickly board the ship. This will leave 2 outside for the players to deal with.   If the players opt for stealth, and wish to approach the ship undetected, then they can go for the Control room. There they will find the dead ground controller.   If the players storm in, or wait too long, and the 2 Weequays board the ship, then they will split up to search the ship. The first will head towards the back of the ship, the other will head to the cockpit, where Dak is hiding. When Dak notices the pirates, he will shout obscenities at them, causing the second one to double back to the cockpit. This is significant, because it changes the location of the second Weequay when the players enter the ship. The second one will assist the first one in subduing Dak. Dak will put up a fight, but will be held by the first Weequay when the players enter, and will threaten the players by using Dak as a hostage.   When the 2 Weequay outside are dealt with, if they are not heard, the players will encounter the 2 Weequay. If they were quick, Dak will not have been taken hostage, and the 2 pirates will be split up. If they are too slow, then they will have to deal with the hostage situation.   If Dak is shot by one of the Weequay, he will attempt to pass off his injury as nothing minor. If the players don't investigate, then Dak will succumb to his wound after take-off, and pass-out. If the players do check on him, they will discover that he has suffered a serious injury, and will need help to recover. If left unattended, Dak may surely die from his wound.   If Dak is found to be near death, he will entrust the players with his ship, for the duration of their time together. If he recovers, then he will refuse to leave the confines and safety of his ship any longer.   Once the pirates have been cleared, the players will be free to take off and break atmosphere. Proper take off procedure and protocol must be followed, or they will face challenge from planetary security forces. This will take the form of a simple, standard, radio comm, followed by a warning shot if the players fail to comply and then followed by and all out assault by 2 security forces if players continue to resist.


Good vs. evil Survival



The players have made it to the Space port. But oddly, there doesn't seem to be much activity in the concourse to Hangar 66. The usual bustle and activity in and around the customs kiosks is suspiciously absent. The vendors seem to have disappeared as well.   Upon closer examination, the players may notice the open "Restricted Access" door to the control room. A lingering odor of ozone and blaster fire seems to remain.   The players are in the opening of the Hangar bay, and see 4 Weequay pirates surrounding their ship.   The players must now choose how to proceed, stealthily and with caution, or run in full force, with guns blazing. Their decision may affect the lives of others.


The Black Sun pirates have located the players ship, and have surrounded it. The players don't know what the pirates are after, and frankly neither do the pirates, but they won't let the players know this. If nothing else, the Sand Bagger would make a nice addition to the Black Sun fleet. As such, the pirates want to board the ship and find out what they find that would be worth the effort. Anyone who gets in their way, will be shot.

Rising Action

The first immediate threat is the presence of the 4 pirates, which will almost immediately become only 2. This may trigger the players to attack, due to the decreased risk. But if not, they may find an easier path through the control room, and into the hangar, on the far side of the ship, taking the pirates by surprise. A full rush armed conflict will also result in at least 1, if not both, of the 2 Weequay pirates rushing inside of the ship. The conflict with the 3, or 2, remaining pirates will be hampered by them rushing for cover, and attempting to corner the players. If the players split up and attempt to rush the ship while one holds off the pirates, the pirates will figure out the plan and then attempt to stop the one rushing the ship. If the players are able to successfully eliminate the 2 pirates with stealth, then they will enter the ship, quietly, but be greeted by shouts of vulgarity by Dak from inside. This should spur the players to action, forcing a confrontation with the remaining pirate(s).


As the players board the ship, amid screams of anger and possibly pain, they will have to fend off the pirate in the galley, or in the doorway to the cockpit, depending on the players' timing. Any time that the remaining pirate is left alone, he will take Dak hostage and force the players to disarm. He will attempt to walk off of the ship with Dak, and then flee on foot. The players must deal with the hostage situation, and attempt to protect Dak in the meantime. If the players attack the pirate holding Dak, the pirate will fire a mortal wounding shot at Dak, possibly incapacitating him.

Falling Action

Dak will have been injured in the aftermath of the conflict. He will attempt to shrug it off, rather abruptly, instead trying to focus on the results of the players encounters on Nar Shaddaa. If players decide to deal with Dak's wound, then he will eventually cooperate, though begrudgingly, and will then begin to relax and offer advice to their next destination of Corellia. If Dak succumbs to his wound, he will attempt to offer the name of a contact on Corellia so that the players can land in an unrestricted area. If Dak is not dealt with, he will lay in the coordinates and take off, following proper procedures, but will promptly collapse and pass out once they break atmosphere. Once the players help Dak up, he will attempt to offer the name of a contact on Corellia. If Dak is fine, he won't pass out, but will still ham-up and talk with the players about his buddy on Corellia who might be able to get the players into a back door.


The players now have the location of their next destination, Corellia. They can lay in the coordinates, and prep the nav computer to make the calculations for the jump to light speed. They need to follow proper take off protocol to not attract any unwanted attention.



Players need to head to Corellia. Players need to get aboard the ship. Players need to get rid of the pirates around the ship. Players will need to find out what has become of Dak. Players will need to rescue Dak. Players will need to help/heal Dak. Players will need to follow protocol to break atmosphere.


The open "Restricted Access" door. The pirates that board the ship. Dak tries to hide his pain, but winces and grimaces anyway. Players witnessed proper landing protocol when they arrived.


Pirates boarding the ship could put Dak in danger. Dak hiding his pain could lead to his death. Not following protocol, could lead to action by the authorities. Not disarming during hostage event could lead to Dak being killed. Players allowing the pirate to leave could lead to more involvement in orbit.

Moral Quandaries

Players will have to decide on how to deal with the hostage taking situation. Larkall (Mike) will have to resist the urge to rush in with rage and aggression to attack the pirates. (Darkside)

Cruel Tricks

By not rushing in quickly and violently, the players will avoid the hostage situation, which becomes a cruel trick if the players are hasty in their attempt to board the ship.

Red Herrings

If the players allow the hostage taker to flee, he doesn't create any further difficulties for the players.



Lorkall(Mike) Barney Cumberbatch(William)



Innocent civilians and bystanders. Droids.






Hangar 66 Docking Bay and Customs concourse.


Flammable liquids in the Docking Bay. Heights out of the Docking Bay. Black Sun pirates.


Combat Negotiation Survival Travel

Past Events

Dead traffic controller in the control room. Some burnt, smashed droids strewn about the Docking Bay. Some with fluids nearby that may be flammable.
Plot type
Parent Plot
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