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Hiring Smugglers Act 2

Plot points/Scenes

The players will arrive in system, most likely with Dak Zendar at the helm. If he is, he will present the players with the option to land at a "...buddy's place." The players will be able to take in the awe of the Coronet City skyline, complete with harbors and starship yards. They will descend downwards into the lower levels of the Industrial sector, near the outlying edges of the zoned area. They will happen upon a quieter, more isolated area, of what may have at one time been an old causeway outlet, but it has long since been modified as an impromptu landing and service area. As the ship approaches, a lone figure will be visible, guiding the ship down to it's final resting point. The players will be greeted and welcomed by the figure, a Selonian male.   There will be warm exchanges between Dak Zendar@ and Kirbala. The players will be brought in from the open, and welcomed into a warm, intimate Selonian family den. The players will have the opportunity to learn about Kirbala, and the fact that he lost his mate in a horrific accident, that brought Dak Zendar  and Kirbala together. The players will more than likely be anxious to get under way, and reach their destination. As such, Kirbala will be more than happy to oblige the players and offer advice on how best to deal with the @Black Sun. He will direct them in the way in which they will need to go. He will note to the players that he will be unable to assist beyond repair and refuel of the ship. His cubs will need him, and so he will be utterly unwilling to leave them unassisted. He will direct the players towards a surface entrance that they can use to make their way to the Black Sun][Dak Zendar base.   When the players encounter the stronghold, they will almost definitely be attacked. There will be passing patrols in this area, as well as the hardpoint turrets and mounted guns. The players are known to the Black Sun by this point, and the orders stand to shoot to kill on sight.   If the players are smart, then they should flee, and/or regroup. The best option would be for the players to return to Kirbala and see if there is some other way in to the stronghold. If the players decide to stand and fight, they will be subdued, and will find themselves strapped to medical tables inside of the facility. From here, the players will be stripped of credits and equipment, and be forced to figure out a way to escape. Simply overpowering the restraints is an option, but some subtlety may be required in order to escape.   If the players do decide to return to Kirbala for help, he will offer guidance, yet again, this time directing the players towards a slightly more treacherous path that leads through some thick swamp, crawling with Dyanogas. Beyond the swampy area, the players will find an abandoned access to the storm drains beneath the vehicle storage bays of the Black Sun stronghold. The access isn't free of obstruction, however, and is currently ray-shielded. The players will have to scan/search for an access panel to disable the ray shields. This will require a difficult security, or technical roll.   Entrance into the facility, will end the second Act.


Good vs. Evil
Plot type
Parent Plot

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