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Kriegswachtturmen (KREEGS-vhock-TURM-en)

A Kriegswachtturm, or "war watchtower" is a formidable structure designed to provide exceptional defense and surveillance capabilities. Its primary purpose is to act as a fortified outpost, enabling those within to detect and repel potential attacks effectively. With its imposing presence and strategic positioning, a Kriegswachtturm acts as a key component of the Soldatenreich's defense network.    The tower's architecture is reminiscent of a medieval castle, featuring thick stone or concrete walls that provide significant protection against smaller projectiles and assaults from enemy soldaten. These walls are designed to safely withstand a range of attacks, including small-to-medium sized cannon fire, short range artillery, and even aerial assaults. The tower's construction incorporates elements of both functionality and aesthetic—as per the Soldatenkönig's request.   The most prominent feature of a Kriegswachtturm is its height. Rising far above the surrounding landscape, the tower provides an unparalleled vantage point, allowing defenders on the inside to observe enemy movements from a great distance. This elevated position allows for the effective coordination of defensive measures and the ability to anticipate attacks, ensuring a timely response.    To deter and counter enemy forces, the Kriegswachtturm is armed with dual-purpose cannons. These cannons are capable of engaging both ground and aerial targets, providing versatile firepower to repel enemy advances. With their range and destructive capability, these cannons offer a deterrent against potential aggressors and can inflict severe damage on opposing forces.
The Kriegswachtturm offers advanced warning for imminent attacks, as well as an elevated platform for surveilling the surrounding landscape. A Kriegswachtturm is manned by a garrison of about sixty soldiers.
Average height: 250 ft. (76 meters)   Manpower: 60-70 men   Amenities: Barracks, armory, ammunition magazine, washrooms   Number built: 20
Tower, Guard
Fun fact: Kriegswachtturm S, situated on the bank of the Weser River, is famous for having repulsed a five-ship armada on its own in the year 2202. The tower sustained such great damage that it had to be demolished and rebuilt elsewhere. The ruins of the first Kriegswachtturm S are now a site of pilgrimage for each graduating class from the War School for Excellence, where they honor the fallen and the valiant act of defiance that single tower put up.

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Cover image: Kriegswachtturm


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