Arcer (Ar-ker)

Arcers are a family of feathered dragon-like flying animals known for their ability to create small arcs of electricity. In most species these arcs are strong enough to stun creatures smaller then themselves and give creatures thinking of trying to eat them a second thought.  

General Description and Traits

Similar to the Archaeopteryx. Males are generally larger than females and either have brooding pouches on their undersides or sticky 'patches' just under their wings for fertilized eggs to be stuck to during breeding season. Plumage varies by species, but with every species the feathers are not hydrophobic.
The location of their Akesa can vary by species, but generally they are located somewhere on the head and/or (for larger species) the feet. True to their name, their akesa channel only lightning, a sub-element of air.  


Species of arcers can be found in most regions of the continent, so long as there are cliffs, caves and trees they can roost in.  


Most species are either insectivorous or carnivorous, but there are a few forest species that are fructivores.  


Similar to that of seahorses where the females deposit their fertilized eggs into a pouch into, or onto stick patches on the sides of the male. In some species the female provides food for the male until the eggs hatch, but in other's the male has to rely on their fat reserves and runs the real risk of starving to death before that point. For species that live in scarcer environments, such as the Shifting Sands, the male male make the ultimate sacrifice and become the first meal for the hatchlings.
In all species, the hatchlings are fully formed and completely independent after hatching, though in cases the male survives they best leave quickly, or the starving male may eat any that linger.


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