Element Surge Physical / Metaphysical Law in Navruka | World Anvil

Element Surge

The elemental energies of the Four is normally balanced, with some expected deviation between various regions and each season. However, occasionally the power and influence of at least one of the Four surges well above the normal and the effects can cause both disasters and boons across the entire continent.
Beings attuned to the surging element are able to use their Akesa for longer periods and may even be more powerful. Among the Daulka, those born during this period are likely to be marked with said element and more are likely to be touched or blessed. However, these benefits often do little to negate the the effects of the surge on the environment itself.

Effects by Element

A massive, years long drought, which naturally triggers a greater likelihood of wildfires. Rain is less frequent, which leads to crops having lower yields, if they don't outright fail. Due to the greater temperatures, Salrit have an easier time manifesting and causing destruction.  
Near constant rain, leading to floods and mudslides in the lower elevations, massive blizzards in the higher.  
Almost endless wind/sandstorms and increase chance of tornados. Lightning storms more frequent. If surging with Tide, hurricanes and high waves.  
Earthquakes and frequent rockslides. If surging with Ember, volcanos erupt.   How long these surges last varies greatly and the variance is dependent on which of Four is having a surge: surges with Clay and Gale, for instance, are not as likely to last more than a few days. In contrast, an Ember surge have been known to last over a year.
Metaphysical, Elemental


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