
Kosec are magically summoned limbs that emit from the extension type of akesa.  


Kosec have a variety of appearances which is dependent upon the intended function of the limb. For instance, a kosec which enables flight would resemable a wing, one that aided in swimming would appear as a flipper, and so on. Coloration wise, they mimic the coloration of the host they were summoned by.  


These limbs are fully corporal with the exception of the first few inches that are closes to the akesa itself, which allows for a range of motion that would not be impeded by the host's body or natural limbs. Their strength and durability is influenced by the element type of the host (e.g. Earth aligned limbs would be more durable, while air ones would be lighter). Element also influences how efficent the limb is at their function (e.g: water and air based limbs would be weaker for use in digging than earth) as well as how long they can be summoned for.  



Like other akesa types, kosec can only be used for so long before they disappear. How long they last depends on the element, the host's proxiemity to said element and the condition of the akesa itself. A flying air-aligned kosec, for instance, would be able to stay airborne for much longer than a water one, with fire coming in second for flight time. However, even in perfect circumstances, there is an upper limit of a few hours before the being must rest their akesa.  


As they are (mostly) physical objects, kosec can be physically damaged, either through the enviroment or direct attack. Damaged kosec 'react' the same way as a natural limb is damaged: reduced functionality, if not full incapaciation. They can even be temporarily severed from the host, though the host can resummon it with it being fully functional once more, but at the cost of deceased 'active' time.  


Thus far only rarely seen in Daulka, it is possible under the right circumstances for a host to be born with kosec capable of more than one funciton, though how effective it is at either depends on the mix.


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