
The Raks are an all volunteer organization that was started in response to the Orders failure and refusal to protect Daulka communities from 'mundane threats'. They operate mainly as mercenaries, protecting trade caravans and hunting down criminals, their payment is supplies from the community they aided.  

Organizational Structure

Raks are organized into cells, which each cell covering a certain area and are usually 'staffed' by members familiar with that area. Regular communication is kept between each cell, usually by mimic beetles(note: uncertain on this mechnism) for simple messenges or Sif members for more complicated ones.  

Rank Structure

There is little in the way of a 'rank system' in the Raks as seniority recongized mainly by experience, reputation and age, though common terminology has developed over the years.  
Usually an senior member whom has retired from directly conflict or a member that no longer can fight due to injuries. They keep track of the 'jobs' needed to be done in the area and serve as the informal 'leader' of the cell. Usually other Raks are free to chose which job they want, the Liason may choose a specific member to handle a case based on the job and the skills required.  
A senior member that has not only a few years in service under their belt, but has developed a positive reputation for successful jobs. They are the most likely to be called upon for dangerous jobs and also often take on leadership roles in small squads. It's also not uncommon for Veterns to take on a Softy or two to show them the ropes.  
Members who survived their first few jobs, whether successful or not, and proven themselves to be useful to the Raks.  
The new members that have yet to prove themselves as valued members.  


The Raks will accept just about anyone into their ranks, male or female, so long as they have the drive to protect their community and have a 'clean record' with the area's Grands. Due to the nature of the jobs they perform some fighting ability is usually required, but that requirement can be waved if there are Hardened or Scarred willing to teach them.
Aside from those with a criminal history, they generally won't accept members who want to get into direct conflict with the Order.
While many members that are recruited are either past or close to the end of their breeding years, it's not unheard of for recruits to temporarily forgo their right to breed to join their ranks. For such members, they are often granted leave to breed if they so wish.  


Normal Daulka usually hold the Rak in high regard, while members of the Order only tolerate them so long as they don't interfere with their tasks. This often leads to some strife both with the communities and within the Raks themselves, for the Order's antics is considered criminal by many. However, the Raks as a whole know the Order is far larger and better equipped, thus going against them would resuilt in their organization potentially being wiped out.
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary


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