
Stalkers are a sleek, feline-like genus of fauna that are widespread on the continent via different species. They are called such as they are nearly completely silent in their moment, thanks to their air-based Akesa on their paws. Multiple specimens are only seen together during breeding season, as they are normally solitary predators. There most notable physical feature is the club shaped end of their tail, which is covered with dozens of small spikes.
These spikes our hollow, with the base connected to a sack containing a potent anesthetic. The sacks are only weakly connected to the rest of the tail and is easily detached from the tail with the spike. Under each sack is an Akesa, which enables the Stalker to shoot these spikes as needed. This is usually only when hunting, where the Stalker is able to individually fire one of these spikes at it's chosen prey with unnerving accuracy. However, when it under duress, a Stalker may fire multiple of these at once to ward off threats. This is only done in times of desperation, as the spikes take time to regrow.   The anesthetic is fast acting and able to knock out prey within minutes, with the effect lasting up to an hour, which is more than enough time for the Stalker to track it down and kill via either throat hold or slicing it's neck up with it's claws. The Stalker will then drag the dead prey to a safer location to eat.   For a brief time Daulka hunted these beasts directly to make use of their spikes for medicine and other uses, but quickly discovered the potency of the anesthetic degrades quickly after death. Keeping a Stalker in captivity also proved to be not a viable option, as the animal could not handle confinement and quickly diminished and died.  

Known Species

Desert Stalker
One of the smallest species, Desert Stalkers primarily make their home within the central region of the Shifting Sands. They are among one of the few species that can avoid detection by the Dune Snake, thanks to their Akesa and are often witnessed scavenging 'leftovers' from Dune Snake attacks.  
Great Ring-Tail Stalker
The largest known species, they make their homes in the Greater Spine Mountains.


Author's Notes

Inspired by Thought Potato's video on Manticores

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