Strengthening Tide Ritual

Of the Four, Tide has the weakest influence in the Shifting Sands and it is believed this is the reason why the region is an arid desert. Rivers and oasis' are the only constant sources of water here and even those are at risk of diminishing, even drying up should the yearly rains fail to fill them.
  With sources of water being so critical to keeping their way of life, the Sand Walkers do what they can to not only conserve what water they have, but perform rituals to encourage Tide to give the life saving rains. One of these Rituals is refered to as 'Strengthening Tide'.
  Shortly before the wet season begins, all Sand Walkers gather near a riverbed or other semi-permanent source of water. There, the elders either thank Tide for the previous rains, and/or ask for forgiveness for whatever offence they had made that caused the previous years rains to be less. Afterward, all adult members, including the recently Awakened younglings, take turns cutting their flesh and letting their blood flow to the ground. It is in their belief that by giving back some of their 'flow/life water', Tide would become strong enough to provide enough rain to continue the Sand Walker way of life and it provides them with a small measure of comfort that they did what they could to ensure it.
  During times of major drought, this ritual often takes a darker, more extreme turn. In addition to bleeding themselves, one or more individuals, usually bucks, may volunteer (or are 'selected') to be 'completely drained' of their blood. These individuals are hung upside down, then their throats are cut, this allowing for the rapid emptying of their blood into the earth, all in hopes that Tide would answer their prayers.


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