The Sirpi

Sirpi are fallen vengeful spirits that dwell in the waters of Navruka. They long to walk on land once more, but are incapable of leaving their watery prison. However, that does not mean those that pass through their territory are safe.


Water Control

As water based spirits, Sirpi have the ability to manipulate the water around them. This makes them especially dangerous for those that enter their water, as they suddenly create deadly undertows, rip currents and even whirlpools to suck their prey underwater.  

Plant Control

All Sirpi have the ability to control the various plants that grow in, and by, the water and use these plants to attempt to snare their prey and drag them under the water to drown them. More creative Sirpi can even manipulate these plants to make them resemble struggling Daulka, tricking would be good samaritans to their own doom if they don't recognize the trick before its too late.  


It is believed that the longer a Sirpi exists, the more tricks it learns to use and Mimicry is one of them, though it is not yet clear how they accomplish this. More often heard along the coast where useable plants are less frequent, Sirpi use this skill to lure the easily fooled into the sea to be drowned.  

Light Orbs

Much like Mimicry, it is unknown how they achieved this affect, but some Sirpi, particularly those that live in the swamp, learned how to briefly create a small light orb to attract prey.  


As stated at the start, Sirpi are confined to the water itself and are unable to harm anyone directly without using their plant ability. The plants themselves are no tougher than when in their uncontrolled state, so the victim can still escape if they, or a companion, are able to cut the plants used to bind them, or through acts of sheer strength.
Fire is said to be another method to drive the Sirpi off, though it is debatable due to water being a natural counter to said fire. Either way, causing damage to the plants currently under the control of the Sirpi brings harm to them, often forcing them to abandon their attack.
Another technical weakness is that the longer a Sirpi stays in an area, the more likely the inhabitants of the area will learn of it's presence and avoid it's territory. In addition, a particularly successful Sirpi can inadvertently 'warn' potential victims of their presence by the resulting putrid smell of rotting flesh in the water.  


Sirpi can be present in any body of water, though they much prefer still or slow moving water where their water controlling abilities have the greatest effect.
This article has no secrets.


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