Waste Movers

"It stinks, but someone has to do it."
  Having a bunch of people living in the same area inevitably results in the end product of certain bodily functions needing to be managed. This is the job of the waste movers, a small group of Daulka are assigned the task of collecting biological waste, from food scraps to literal shit (from both animal and Daulka) and repurposing it in some way.
Who is assigned to this duty can vary from Grand to Grand, but for most the duty is rotated between members of the community, with one or two experienced members whom had volunteered to stay on such duty permanently to teach and watch over the first timers. The duty can also be given to someone as a punishment for wrong doing, usually a minor crime like theft. Regardless, with only few exceptions, everyone gets a 'turn' at being waste mover. The length of time of being a waste mover is about a year, on average.   Due to the nature of the job, waste movers are not 'pleasant' be be close to while they are performing this task. For this reason, many are assigned to a camp that is away from the main town. This camp has all the necessities, including a smaller communal hut to rest/sleep in and a cooking area. They are also, naturally, expected to do their bathing well down wind, and down stream, of everyone else.   As for the waste itself, many Grands put this material into compost piles a fair distance from the town. Here, the waste movers have the additional task of tending the compost to ensure it turned into proper fertilizer for use in farming fields, either their own or traded to other Grands that do. They must be diligent during this process, for an infestation of fungi such as Corpse Puffs can not only ruin a compost pile, but becoming a nasty threat to the community.
For Grands that do not have farming, or the space to tend to compost, the biological waste is dealt with differently. Some trade the basic waste to Grands that do have compost piles. Others, especially the mountains and colder regions, dump it large pits in the ground, then bury it: these areas are watched carefully for Corpse Puffs infestation much like a normal compost pile. Yet others, with the Sand Walkers of the Shifting Sands being a notable example, the waste is feed to their domesticated animals: Sand Eaters, in particular, love to eat this product.


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