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Izek Barnum

  Izek and his twin sister Arianna were born in Vallaki. One morning, when they were 15 years old, their father and their uncle took them fishing on Lake Zarovich. On the way back to town, a dire wolf attacked Izek and bit off his right arm. His father carried Izek back to town while his uncle distracted the beast. His sister ran and hid in the woods and was never seen again.   Unlike Arianna, Izek was born without a soul. As time wore on (nearly 25 years), he forgot his lost sister and learned to cope with his disability.   Izek’s parents succumbed to their grief, leaving him an orphan. He became a sociopath. Other children ruthlessly mocked him because of his dead family and his missing arm, but he was a large boy and had no trouble killing them with one arm and disposing of their bodies. He was eventually caught in the act and brought to the burgomaster. Instead of punishing the boy for his crimes, Baron Vallakovich pardoned Izek and took him into his home. Izek has been loyal to the burgomaster ever since, enjoying the power of his position and the comforts of his master’s mansion. When he isn’t enforcing the burgomaster’s will, Izek drinks copious amounts of wine.   After years of doing Baron Vallakovich’s dirty work, Izek awakened from a drunken stupor one morning to find a Fiendish Gift -- he had grown a new arm to replace the one he had lost. The new, demonic looking appendage has barbed spines, elongated fingers, and long nails. He can create fire with the snap of his fiendish fingers and has used the flames to put the fear of the devil in nearly every Vallakian.   Perhaps more disturbing than his fiendish arm and his murderous nature is Izek’s collection of dolls, which he keeps in his bedroom in the burgomaster’s mansion. Izek often has dreams of a beautiful young woman (Arianna), and for years he has forced a local toymaker named Gadof Blinsky to craft dolls in her likeness.   Izek believes Ireena Kolyana to be his long lost sister Arianna. However, the age differences (of over 20 years) does not add up.


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