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Trollskull Alley

  Trollskull Alley is a building block in the Norh Ward of the City of Waterdeep.  

Locations in Trollskull Alley:


Trollskull Manor

Details found here for Trollskull Manor.  

The Bent Nail

A small wooden sign above this shop's main door is bare except for a large, bent nail sticking out of it. The front room contains displays of ornate wooden furniture, as well as a selection of bows and crossbows. The wall behind the counter is lined with rows of finely carved wooden canes, quarterstaffs, and shields.   Talisolvanar "Tally" Fellbranch, the owner and chief artisan of the Bent Nail, is a male half-elf carpenter and woodcarver.   Services   Tally sells wooden weapons and shields at normal cost. He also crafts and sells furniture and wood sculptures.  

Steam and Steel

During daylight hours, smoke and steam billow from the many windows around this indoor forge where metal weapons, armor, and tools are made. The forge is owned and operated by a married couple: a fire genasi named Embric and a water genasi named Avi. Both are members of the Most Careful Order of Skilled Smiths and Metalforgers. As an armorer, Avi also belongs to the Splendid Order of Armorers, Locksmiths, and Finesmiths.   Embric tends the forge and is an expert weaponsmith. He claims descent from the efreet of Calimshan and is prone to extreme mood swings.   Avi worships Eldath, god of peace, and uses his magic to quench hot steel. He is an expert armorsmith. Avi is laid back and speaks plainly.   Services   The genasi couple sells all metal weapons, armor, and shields listed in chapter 5 of the Player's Handbook at normal cost.  

Corellon's Crown

Fala Lefaliir, an herbalist and a member of the Guild of Apothecaries and Physicians, operates out of this stately, three-story town house, the third floor of which has been converted into a greenhouse. Its translucent glass walls allow anyone on the street to see the rainbow of flowers blossoming within.   Fala Lefaliir is an outgoing wood elf with long, braided hair. Like the elven god Corellon Larethian, Fala is neither male nor female. If referred to as “he” or “she,” Fala gently requests to be addressed by name or as “they.” Fala is friends with a member of the Zhentarim named Ziraj, who saved Fala's life. He visits Fala from time to time, and Fala has set aside a room for him on the second floor.   Services   In addition to nonmagical herbal remedies, Fala sells potions of the types listed in the Fala's Potions table. Fala keeps 1d6 vials of each potion in locked cabinets behind the shop counter.   Fala's Potions   Potion of animal friendship - 125 gp Potion of climbing - 50 gp Potion of greater healing - 250 gp Potion of healing - 50 gp Potion of water breathing - 250 gp  

Tiger's Eye

This private detective's business is unremarkable on the outside, its only distinguishing mark an orange-and-black sign featuring a cat's eyes. Inside is a regal apartment dimly lit by flickering oil lamps. The door is locked, and visitors must knock or ring the bell before being let in.   They are met by Vincent Trench, a human detective and the owner of the Tiger's Eye. He speaks concisely, dresses in a sharp suit, and smokes a slim pipe.   Services   Trench can discover any secret in Waterdeep, for a fee. Use your judgment when pricing its services; 50 gp is sufficient for most investigations, but if the characters want to learn secrets relating to the major antagonists of this adventure, the rakshasa might require a service in payment, such as slaying enemies that are hunting it, posting advertisements for its business in their tavern, or keeping tabs on someone Vincent has been hired to spy on.  

Book Wyrm's Treasure

The front of this bookstore is adorned with a charming sign of a gold dragon curled around a treasure hoard of books and scrolls. Inside, the shop is decorated with beautiful hardwood, and the earthy scent of old books permeates the air. The library fills two floors of this three-story building, and it somehow seems to contain more shelves than the building should be able to hold.   The shop is managed by a short dragonborn of gold dragon ancestry named Rishaal the Page-Turner, who lives on the third floor. Rishaal is a member of the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors.   Services   The shop contains books of all sorts. In addition, Rishaal has a small collection of spellbooks and allows wizards to copy spells from them at the cost listed in the Spells for Sale table. He can scribe any of these spells as a spell scroll but charges twice the listed cost for this service.   Spells for Sale   Comprehend languages, detect magic, feather fall, find familiar, mage armor, magic missile, shield, unseen servant - 25 gp each   Arcane lock, continual flame, darkvision, invisibility, magic weapon, misty step, rope trick, suggestion - 75 gp each   Clairvoyance, counterspell, dispel magic, fireball, fly, nondetection, water breathing - 150 gp each   Arcane eye, fabricate, greater invisibility, ice storm, locate creature, polymorph - 300 gp each   Bigby’s hand, cone of cold, modify memory - 750 gp each  

Sword Coast Trader's Bank

This is a branch of one of the largest banks on the Sword Coast.  

Lysander's Clothier & Leatherworks

Lysander sells all clothing and leather wear found in the Player's Handbook at normal cost.  

Frewn's Brews

A local pub run by a salty Northerner named Emmek Frewn. He recently tried to buy Trollskull Manor but was outbid by Volothamp Geddarm.  

Mocking Mustang Carriage & Stables

Horse & carriage stabling as well as sales.  

The General's Store

A supply store run by an old human who goes simply by "The General" and who claims to have been an actual General in the Comyr Army many years ago. He sells general items out of the Player's Handbook (no armor or weapons) at normal cost.


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