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Bombastus Thaddeus


A loud boisterous noble who has gone through great lengths to prepare for an adventure where he has to do as little as possible.   The third son of a respected noble family, he has no tragic backstory nor any reason for his greed.   Rose through the ranks to become an Earl after the deaths of several family members to orks.   Celebrated his new status with a lavish party immediately after a rushed and notably cheap funeral for each recently deceased family member.  

Notable Traits:

Noblesse Oblige: Bombastus believes that it is the duty of nobility to lead the peasents in the right direction, not because it is the moral thing to do, rather because people of lesser means cannot afford proper education and thus simply cannot be trusted to think for themselves.   Human Supremacist: Bombastus is not at all subtle about his distain for the "Non Humanoid" form of many people throughout The Shaar. It seems like the less Human a person looks (regardless of if these differences make the person seem uglier or more attractive) the more disgusted the noble acts.   Lazy, Greedy & Loud: Bombastus wants three things in life: Money, Power and to tell you how much more he has of both than you. Unfortunately Bombastus refuses to work for any of these things. This strategy has worked out for him so far but it is only a matter of time until money cannot get him out of a problem he himself has created.  

Schemes, Plots & Plans:

Just a quick escort quest: Bombastus hired three peasants to serve as his retinue and purchased two horses, a carriage and even went to the trouble of hiring strong looking locals as protection for his journey from Kormul to Arno-Mot. The expense was more than worth it considering the cargo he secretly held. A chest full of poison intended to help kill off a church full of powerful clerics was a mere pittance compared to the value of the Well of Many Worlds and the deeds to every building surrounding what was soon to become the only entrance to the new state-of-the-art underground river connecting Arno-Mot directly to Lake Lhespen.   Double dipping in the sub-river: Bullywugs always wanted Wemic fur and would pay top dollar for it. With a direct line to a new upcoming town full of Wemics Bombastus would double dip with this new venture and make money from both the toll gates surrounding the sub-river's entrance and by exporting the mangy locals directly to their new owners.
Honorary & Occupational Titles

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