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Humans on Toril are widespread, can be found in most regions and, in general, are fierce and disagreeable, which sometimes leads certain other races to view them with contempt. They are renowned for their diversity and ambition, and although they lack specialization, they can excel in many areas.   The origin of humanity is unknown. Although the Tel-quessir can claim the primal war between Corellon and Gruumsh for their heritage and the dwarves claimed to have been forged from the rocks of Abeir-Toril itself, humans have no unifying creation myth. However, they are certainly an ancient race, having originated since before written records existed and are frequently considered one of the creator races, though they aren't known to have actually created any species. More confusing yet is that, while humans indeed are native to Toril, they have been found on other worlds as well, with the Mulani standing out as an example of human immigrants to Toril.   The most common ethnicity of Human in the Shaar are the Shaarans.   Shaarans are a nomadic human ethnic group that lived in Southern Faerûn, primarily in the Shaar region, although some lived in Halruaa, Dambrath, Unther or Mulhorand. They have a simple view on life, focused on survival and following the herds roaming the plains of The Shaar.   Shaaran society is built around extended family units known as clans. Several clans formed a tribe which is governed by a chieftain and a council of wise elders. The chieftain guides movement of the clan across the plains. This nomadic lifestyle is largely dependent on their highly-prized horses, that ironically, tend not to thrive outside their homeland.   Because these planes acted as a crossroad in southern Faerûn, the Shaarans have learned to get along reasonably well with other cultures. Despite this, they have a particular distaste of gnolls and the Yuan-ti around Lake Lhespen or the Lake of Salt. Due to this, different tribes will easily fall into conflict. They have no remorse about stealing, looting or pillaging from one another. Raids involving large parties will often lead to war between tribes that can only be ceased by peace talks or annihilation.   Tribes not engaged in warfare will send delegates in the spring and fall to the Council Hills. These sacred burial grounds play host to gatherings at which such topics as peace talks, alliances, territorial disputes, and outside threats are discussed. The cliffs and caves of the Landrise are also considered holy ground to inter the dead for some tribes.   Most Shaarans live their lives as fighters, rangers or barbarians. Magic is not commonly practiced among the Shaaran tribes, though each have a handful of arcane and divine spellcasters, the latter usually being about twice as common. Divination magic is considered especially useful and is usually available to the tribe chieftain, either personally or via a trusted elder. Druids are especially valued in aiding with the survival of the tribe and in matters of the herds and most tribes usually numbered at least one in their ranks.   Commonly Known Languages: Common, Shaaran.

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