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A ruined town on the shore of Lake Lhespen in the western region of the Shaar.   Founded in the Year of Whispering Stones, −373 DR, by refugees from Lapaliiya who were fleeing plague.   The town was destroyed by a pack of rampaging gnolls in 7th century DR.   As of the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR, Lhesper has been taken over by Yuan-ti members from the Coiled Cabal who are searching for the legendary Emeralds of Merrshaulk, a set of massive gemstones inscribed with the ancient divine spells of Mhairshaulk. The stones were stolen when the Lapal tribes first fled the Lapal Sea to found what would one day become Lapaliiya. In the waning days of the Empire Plague, they were taken to Lhesper for safekeeping, only to be lost when the town was overrun by gnolls.   Whether or not the Coiled Cabal succeeds in locating the Emeralds of Merrshaulk, the strategic location of this base makes the expense of maintaining it more than worth the while. Therefore, the yuan-ti have exerted their power over the human bandit tribes of the region, forcing them to bring any human travelers they capture back to ruined Lhesper for sacrifice to Sseth or transformation into broodguards or tainted ones.   Common Races: Yuan-ti.

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