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Loxos (also pluralized as loxoth) appear as large humanoid elephants with two trunks and bluish-gray skin. They roam the Shaar in hunter-gatherer groups. Peaceful in nature, Loxos are an isolationist race and have little contact with other sentient races. They claim to have first appeared in Faerûn around the 12th century DR, having arrived from another world. However, they were found on Toril as far back as −23,040 DR.   In addition to traditional weaponry, Loxos are known to fight with their trunks and trample smaller opponents. They also are known to go into a berserk state if a clan member is seriously harmed.   Loxos typically stay with their own kind, but will travel to cities for trade. They ignor the conflicts of the region around them unless it threatens their own people. To them, extremes in life are detrimental, whereas balance contributes to the survival of the herd. Although most Loxos on Toril live in the Shaar, some can also be found around the region of the Golden Water.   Loxo clans, also referred to as herds, typically consist of a few family units and unattached males. Defending the clan are a number of fithik (lieutenants), the lox-fithik (herd-lieutenant or chief), and the tannuk (wizard).   Commonly Known Languages: Loxo, Common.

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