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The thri-kreen are an insectoid monstrous humanoid race that primarily live in the Shaar. The thri-kreen are a race of nomads and hunters.   Thri-kreen mate in the spring. The females dig egg chambers and lay clutches of up to 120 eggs, before reburying and abandoning it. The eggs hatch in mid-summer; the larvae look like miniature adult thri-kreen. They survive on instinct alone, discovering hunting and tool-making skills and how to survive, but 90% of larvae perish before reaching adulthood after only 5 or 6 summers.   Thri-kreen are short-lived; if they survive their harsh lives, they csn be considered middle-aged at 12 or 16, old by 18 to 20, and truly venerable at 25. No thri-kreen live past 35 by natural means.   Thri-kreen are distinctly not social in nature. Each thri-kreen develop deep personal attachments to only a small handful of other thri-kreen, their clutch-mates. They defend these companions at all costs, even at the cost of their own lives. All creatures outside this small band are viewed as strangers and enemies, though a wandering thri-kreen don't advertise such beliefs for the sake of peace. They form small and independent packs, almost always of their clutch-mates, but sometimes lone young thri-kreen or survivors of failed packs will join existing packs or find each other and establish new packs. Rarely, a few packs will ally to combine their strength when they face a more dangerous threat.   The Thri-kreen language is composed of a series of buzzes, clicks, glottal stops, pops, rasps, a rush of air from the lungs accompanied by the gnashing of jaws, snaps, and whistles.   Without the assistance of magic, thri-kreen can’t speak any non-thri-kreen languages they know. Instead thri-kreen use telepathy to convey their thoughts. Thri-kreen have the magical ability to transmit their thoughts mentally to willing creatures within 120 feet of themselves. A contacted creature doesn’t need to share a language with the thri-kreen to understand their thoughts, but it must be able to understand at least one language.   Commonly Known Languages: Thri-Kreen, Common, Shaaran.

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