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A Wemic is a creature with the upper body of a humanoid and the lower body of a lion. Like centaurs, they have six limbs and are considered "tauric" creatures.   Wemics are larger and stronger than humans, and can make great leaps with a running start. Both their humanoid hands and feline feet bear claws, with their fore claws being extremely sharp. They have keen eyesight, including darkvision, and exceptional hearing. The humanoid part of wemics have feline characteristics around their eyes, ears and nose with pointed teeth, and their entire bodies are covered in golden fur, save for their white underbellies and black-tipped tails. Males have thick, black, lion-like manes.   Known as excellent hunters, fighters, and tacticians who prefer to strike from ambush. They can fight with both pairs of claws while at the same time wielding weapons, which they make from stone and wood. Any metal or magical armament are typically looted from monsters or creatures they have killed.   A nomadic species that does not make settled homes, but form patriarchal prides, following the herds they hunted for food. Their prides are typically served by a spiritual leader, often a druid. Sometimes, a number of prides will band together to form a single tribe, led by a chieftain.   While wemics are often represented as barbaric, illiterate, and uncivilized creatures, they are quite intelligent and make stone weapons and tools, as well as clay pottery. They are famous for being highly superstitious. Others will describe wemics as nature-oriented people with a rich tradition of oral history.   While they hold few opinions about other races, they are extremely careful not to over-hunt and will become enraged when humanoids hunt an animal of Toril for a small part of its body, such as a horn or other trophy, then leave the carcass for carrion. Ironically, the claws of wemics are prized as decorations by the bullywugs of Faerûn, and the hair of wemics are used in the creation of brooms of animated attack.   Commonly Known Languages: Sylvan, Common.

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