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Elemental Containment Vessel

Written by DoStuffZ

Elemental Containment Vessel

Wondrous Item   Description:
The Elemental Containment Vessel is a sturdy, rune-etched box made of reinforced materials, with a transparent viewing panel on the front. When activated, the box emanates a soft hum, and faint magical circles become visible on its surface. The viewing panel allows users to see the contained elemental inside.   Activation:
  • When the Elemental Containment Vessel is deployed within range of a weakened elemental (below 25% HP), speaking the command word triggers the containment spell.
  • It takes an action to deploy. Be that either throwing it at the feet of the Elemental, dropping at your feet or other way of placing it within 15 ft of the Elemental.
  • The Elemental that is within 15 ft, must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be contained within the container. If the Elemental dies while being next to a container, then it's automaticly contained within it.
Item type
Raw materials & Components
Build Recipe:
  1. Enchanted Frame:
    • Craft a framework for the box using a combination of lightweight yet durable materials.
    • Enchant the frame with protective runes to withstand the elemental's energy and prevent damage to the surroundings.
    • Estimated Cost: 300 gold pieces
  2. Magical Circuits:
    • Integrate magical circuits into the interior of the box. These circuits are designed to resonate with elemental energy.
    • Estimated Cost: 400 gold pieces
  3. Stabilization Core:
    • Create a stabilization core using a gem infused with a rare alchemical solution. This core prevents the elemental essence from dissipating within the box.
    • Estimated Cost: 500 gold pieces
  4. Crystal Glyphs:
    • Etch elemental-binding glyphs onto small crystals. These crystals serve as anchors for the containment spell.
    • Estimated Cost: 200 gold pieces
  5. Command Crystal:
    • Craft a larger crystal as the command crystal. Enchant it with the ability to trigger the containment spell when a specific command word is spoken.
    • Estimated Cost: 600 gold pieces
  6. Safety Mechanism:
    • Implement a safety mechanism that prevents the box from opening accidentally. This could involve a complex locking mechanism or a magical safeguard.
    • Estimated Cost: 300 gold pieces
  7. Energy Dampeners:
    • Line the interior of the box with energy dampeners to absorb and neutralize excess elemental energy, preventing it from escaping the box.
    • Estimated Cost: 400 gold pieces
Estimated Cost: 2,300 gold pieces.   Notes:
  • Crafting such a device may require the assistance of skilled artificers, wizards, or experts in elemental lore.
  • Gathering rare materials, such as enchanted crystals and alchemical solutions, could become part of a quest or adventure to obtain the necessary components.
  • The Elemental Containment Vessel could be a unique and coveted item in your campaign world, with potential applications beyond elemental capture.


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