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Helga Stonehealer

Written by DoStuffZ

Race: Hill Dwarf
Gender: Female
Age: Mature, with greying hair
Height: Approximately 4 feet tall
Build: Solid and stout, reflecting her Dwarven heritage
Hair: Greying, worn in a practical bun
Eyes: Steely grey, filled with determination
Skin: Weathered and tan from a life of outdoor work
Dress: Helga wears practical, earth-toned clothing suitable for her role as a healer and protector. She's often seen in chain mail armor, marked with the symbol of her deity, Moradin, the Dwarven god of creation.   Features:
  • Helga's expression is one of unwavering determination and a deep sense of responsibility. Her eyes radiate a keen intellect and inner strength, which she draws upon to fulfill her role in the contingent.
  • She carries a large, intricately carved warhammer, a symbol of both her faith and her readiness to defend her companions and the castle.
  • Around her neck, Helga wears a holy symbol of Moradin, which she clutches during moments of prayer and healing.
  • Despite her formidable appearance, she has a warm and reassuring presence, especially when tending to the wounded or offering counsel to her companions.
  • Helga Stonehealer is the epitome of the dependable and stoic Hill Dwarf. Her actions and words are measured, and she rarely displays outward emotions, preferring to maintain her calm and steadfast demeanor even in the face of adversity.
  • She's a healer and protector at heart, dedicated to her role in ensuring the well-being of the contingent. She's known for her unyielding commitment to her companions and the castle's heroes.
  • Helga's wisdom and practicality make her an invaluable source of guidance and stability in the contingent. She's quick to offer counsel and support when needed.
  • Overall, Helga Stonehealer's appearance and demeanor reflect her unwavering dedication to her role as a cleric and protector. She is a symbol of strength and wisdom, providing steadfast support to the heroes and her fellow members of the contingent.

Hill Dwarf cleric

Race: Hill Dwarf
Class: Cleric
Role: Divine, Healer
Alignment: Lawful Good
Background: Acolyte
Level: 5   Statistics Hit Points: 37 (5d8 + 10) Armor Class: 18 (Chain Mail) Speed: 25 ft. Size: Medium   Abilities   Strength: 12 (+1)
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 14 (+2)
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 16 (+3)
Charisma: 12 (+1)   Senses: Darkvision 60 ft. Passive Perception 13 Languages Common, Dwarvish   Skills
Religion +4
Insight +5
Medicine +5
  Class Features
Divine Domain (Life): Helga's divine domain grants her additional healing abilities, and she can use her channel divinity to heal and protect others.
Spellcasting: Helga can cast a variety of divine spells to heal wounds, protect allies, and aid in combat.
Channel Divinity: She can use her channel divinity to turn undead or to invoke her divine power for healing.
  Actions   Mace: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 + 1 bludgeoning damage.   Equipment Chain Mail Mace Light Crossbow 20 Bolts Priest's Pack A Holy Symbol Vestments Common Clothes A purse containing 15 gp   Special Abilities   Healing Touch: Helga can use a bonus action to touch a creature, causing it to regain 1d6 + 3 hit points.   Background Traits   Shelter of the Faithful: Helga can find a place to stay, food, and care within a community of her faith, as long as she is in good standing with that faith. Helga Stonehealer serves as the religious guide and healer of the dwarven contingent, providing spiritual guidance, tending to the wounded, and helping to maintain the morale of the group. She also ensures that the religious needs of the contingent are met, fostering a sense of community and faith among the dwarves. You can customise Helga's spell selection to suit the needs of your campaign and the specific divine domain she follows.


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