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Keldin Ironforge

Written by DoStuffZ

Keldin Ironforge stands as a formidable figure, his stout and muscular frame reflecting years of both combat training and skilled metalworking. His grizzled beard, adorned with small metal trinkets, frames a face etched with the marks of craftsmanship and battle. Keldin's eyes, sharp and observant, exude both determination and a keen understanding of the weapons and armor he forges.   Equipment:
Keldin wields a warhammer with a head crafted from the finest dwarven steel, showcasing his mastery in metalworking. A sturdy shield, adorned with intricate designs and symbols, is strapped to his arm, providing reliable defense for both himself and his comrades. Keldin wears a suit of well-crafted chainmail, a testament to his skills in creating protective armor for the contingent.   Personality Traits:
  • Diligent: Keldin approaches both metalworking and combat with unwavering dedication and attention to detail.
  • Protective: His instinct to defend is not limited to the forge; Keldin is fiercely protective of his allies in battle.
  • Disciplined: Keldin adheres to a strict code of conduct, valuing order and precision in both his craft and martial skills.
Background Feature: Guild Membership As a Guild Artisan, Keldin has membership in an artisans' guild, providing him with access to a network of fellow craftsmen, specialized tools, and trade knowledge.   Fighter Features:
  • Fighting Style (Defense): Keldin gains a +1 bonus to AC when he's wielding a shield.
  • Second Wind: In the heat of battle, Keldin can tap into his reserves, regaining hit points to stay in the fight.
  • Action Surge: Keldin can push himself beyond normal limits, taking an additional action on his turn.
  • Athletics: Keldin's strength and training make him adept at physical feats, whether in combat or navigating challenging terrain.
Tool Kits
  • Smith's Tools: Proficient with smith's tools, Keldin can forge and repair armor and weapons with expertise.
Role in the Contingent: Keldin Ironforge serves as the Fighter Metal Artisan, a dual role that combines martial prowess with exceptional metalworking skills. His ability to craft high-quality arms and armor ensures that the contingent is well-equipped for their adventures. In battle, Keldin stands as a stalwart defender, using his shield to protect allies and his warhammer to deliver powerful blows to foes. His disciplined approach to combat and craftsmanship makes him an invaluable asset, contributing both to the safety and combat readiness of Silvarith's contingent.
Role: Metal Artisan
Race: Hill Dwarf
Class: Fighter (Battlemaster)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Background: Guild Artisan   Level: 5   Statistics   Hit Points: 45 (5d10 + 15)
Armor Class: 18 (Chain Mail, Shield)
Speed: 25 ft.
Size: Medium   Abilities   Strength: 16 (+3)
Dexterity: 12 (+1)
Constitution: 16 (+3)
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 10
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 11
Languages: Common, Dwarvish   Skills
  • Athletics +5
  • History +2
Tool Kits
  • Smith's Tools +5
Class Features   Fighting Style (Protection): Keldin can use his shield to protect his allies in combat, imposing disadvantage on attacks against them.   Second Wind: He can regain hit points during a short rest, allowing him to endure more damage.   Actions   Warhammer: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 + 3 bludgeoning damage.
Throwing Hammers (x2): Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 1d4 + 3 bludgeoning damage.   Equipment   Chain Mail Shield Warhammer Two Throwing Hammers Smith's Tools A set of artisan's tools A pouch containing 15 gp Background Traits   Guild Membership: Keldin has membership in an artisan's guild, granting him access to a network of craftsmen, tools, and resources.


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