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Magus Academia Library Access Structure

Written by DoStuffZ

Annual Library Membership

  1. Basic Membership: 100 gp/year
    • Access to Common spells (Cantrips and 1st-level)
  2. Intermediate Membership: 200 gp/year
    • Access to Uncommon spells (2nd and 3rd-level)
  3. Advanced Membership: 300 gp/year
    • Access to Rare spells (4th and 5th-level)
  4. Elite Membership: 500 gp/year
    • Access to Very Rare spells (6th to 8th-level)
  5. Legendary Membership: 1000 gp/year
    • Access to all spells, including Legendary (1st to 9th-level)

Cost of Copying Spells

  • Takes 2 hours and costs 50 gp per spell level (materials cost), ink, paper

Example Scenario

Accessing and Copying a 4th-level Rare Spell
  1. Library Membership:
    • Advanced Membership: 300 gp/year
  2. Copying Costs:
    • 8 hours (4th-level x 2 hours per level)
    • and 200 gp (4th-level spell x 50 gp per level)
  3. Specialty Wizard:
    • If the spell is within the Specialty Wizard's school, then it takes half that time, and costs half the price.
Total Cost with Membership:
  • Membership: 300 gp/year
  • Copying: 200 gp
  • Total: 500 gp

Defining Spell Rarity

  • Common Spells
    • Cantrips and 1st-level spells
    • Easily found in most wizarding schools and basic texts.
    • Examples: Magic Missile, Detect Magic, Shield
  • Uncommon Spells
    • 2nd and 3rd-level spells
    • More advanced, requiring a bit more effort to learn and access.
    • Examples: Mirror Image, Misty Step, Fireball
    • Exception Examples: Counterspell (3rd-level, Rare)
  • Rare Spells
    • 4th and 5th-level spells
    • Require special permission or quests to access, found in specific sections of the library.
    • Examples: Dimension Door, Wall of Fire, Teleportation Circle
    • Exception Examples: Teleportation Circle (5th-level, Very Rare), Modify Memory (5th-level, Very Rare)
  • Very Rare Spells
    • 6th to 8th-level spells
    • Only accessible to the most dedicated students or through significant contributions and quests.
    • Examples: Disintegrate, Plane Shift, Mind Blank
    • Exception Examples: Clone (8th-level, Legendary)
  • Legendary Spells
    • 9th-level spells
    • The most powerful and guarded spells, often requiring personal approval from the head of the library or completion of epic quests.
    • Examples: Wish, Time Stop, Meteor Swarm
  • Epic Spells
    • A whole different section, unknown to the general population of spellcasters.
    • Only a very few exceptionally selected individuals even know of its existence, even less know how to enter the section.

A Day in the Life of a Young Wizard

  The grand halls of Magus Academia echoed softly with the hum of magical energy as young wizard Alahuraic stepped through the arched entrance. His eyes sparkled with anticipation, for today he would venture into the hallowed restricted section of the library, a place whispered about among students and revered by masters. Clutching his membership medallion tightly, he walked briskly through the marble corridors, his footsteps almost silent on the polished floor.   Arriving at the entrance to the restricted section, Alahuraic presented his medallion to the stern-faced guardian, a stone golem brought to life by ancient magic. The golem's eyes glowed faintly as it scanned the medallion, then stepped aside with a creak, allowing Alahuraic to pass. He couldn't help but feel a surge of pride—few students gained access to this part of the library, and his hard-earned membership was his key.   Within the restricted section, towering shelves lined the walls, filled with tomes bound in leather and encrusted with jewels. The air was thick with the scent of old parchment and the faint trace of arcane power. Alahuraic made his way to the designated area for Rare spells, guided by the cataloging system etched into his memory from countless hours spent in the library's general collection.   He found the required book, *Arcana Magisterium*, nestled between volumes of lesser-known but equally potent spells. Pulling the tome from its place, he carried it reverently to one of the study desks. The area was well-equipped, with plush chairs, sturdy tables, and enchanted lamps that provided perfect lighting.   Alahuraic wasted no time. He settled into his chair and opened the tome to the page describing the spell he sought—Dimension Door, a spell of great utility and power. As he read, he felt the familiar thrill of discovery, the words and symbols on the page weaving a tapestry of arcane knowledge in his mind. Hours passed in a blur as he studied the intricate details, committing them to memory and cross-referencing with his own notes.   His stomach rumbled, reminding him that time had flown by. Fortunately, his advanced membership included access to the library's well-stocked refreshment area. He made his way to the adjoining lounge, where tables were laden with an array of teas, snacks, and sustenance. Choosing a cup of calming chamomile tea and a plate of sandwiches, he returned to his desk, grateful for the thoughtful provisions.   Refreshed and re-energized, Alahuraic resumed his studies. By the time he was ready to copy the spell into his spellbook, dusk had fallen outside the enchanted windows, which showed a perpetual twilight, perfect for concentration. Gathering his materials, he approached the clerk—a wizened old elf with eyes that seemed to see into one's very soul.   "I need ink and components for scribing a 4th-level spell," Alahuraic said, presenting his membership medallion once more.   The clerk nodded, retrieving the necessary supplies. "That will be 200 gold for the materials" she said with a kind smile.   Alahuraic handed over the gold, the transaction smooth and routine. Returning to his desk, he meticulously copied the spell into his spellbook, each stroke of the quill precise and deliberate. The ink glowed faintly as he worked, a sign that the magic was taking hold.   As the final rune was inscribed, Alahuraic felt a surge of accomplishment. He closed his spellbook, allowing the ink to dry, and stretched his cramped fingers. His mind was tired, but his spirit was invigorated. He was now ready, more equipped than ever, to venture out with his merry band of adventurers. This new spell would undoubtedly prove invaluable in their quests.   With a satisfied smile, Alahuraic packed his things, thanked the clerk, and made his way out of the library. The night air was cool and refreshing as he stepped outside, the stars twinkling overhead. He walked with a spring in his step, eager to reunite with his friends and share the news of his success. The world was full of mysteries and dangers, but Alahuraic felt ready to face them all, his spellbook richer and his heart full of determination.

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