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Orin Stonepage

Written by DoStuffZ

Race: Hill Dwarf
Class: Wizard (School of Lore)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Background: Sage (Historian and Librarian)   Appearance:
Orin Stonepage carries an air of intellectual curiosity, his appearance reflecting both scholarly pursuits and a love for knowledge. Dressed in comfortable yet refined attire, he wears a set of spectacles perched on his nose, emphasizing his dedication to the written word. A satchel filled with parchment, quills, and ink accompanies him, along with a staff adorned with symbols of arcane wisdom.   Equipment:
Orin's arcane focus, a crystal imbued with magical energy, aids him in casting spells and weaving enchantments related to his scholarly pursuits. A leather-bound tome, meticulously organized and containing a wealth of historical and magical knowledge, is always within reach. Various scrolls, maps, and reference materials are stored within his satchel, ready to assist in research and investigation.   Personality Traits:
  • Inquisitive: Orin approaches the world with a thirst for knowledge, always seeking to uncover hidden truths and unravel mysteries.
  • Patient: His scholarly nature is complemented by a patient and methodical approach to investigation and research.
  • Passionate: Orin's love for history and magic is evident in the enthusiasm he brings to his role as Historian and Librarian.
Background Feature: Researcher Orin's background as a Sage grants him access to a wealth of knowledge and resources. His familiarity with history and magical lore aids in uncovering information crucial to the contingent's endeavors.   Wizard Features (School of Lore):
  • Lore Master: Orin can unravel the magical secrets of a spell or object, gaining insights that others might overlook.
  • Spellbook: His spellbook contains a collection of spells and magical knowledge, allowing him to cast a diverse array of magical effects.
  • History: Orin's expertise in history allows him to interpret historical events, uncover hidden truths, and provide valuable insights.
  • Investigation: His keen investigative skills enable him to uncover secrets, solve puzzles, and gather vital information.
Role in the Contingent:
Orin Stonepage serves as the Historian and Librarian within Silvarith's contingent, playing a crucial role in preserving and maintaining the castle's collection of books, scrolls, and historical records. His extensive knowledge of history, magic, and scholarly pursuits provides a valuable resource for the group. Whether researching ancient tomes for hidden secrets, deciphering magical runes, or investigating clues that lead to vital information, Orin's skills contribute to the contingent's understanding of the world and aid the heroes on their quests. His patient and inquisitive nature make him an invaluable asset in uncovering the lore and mysteries that shape the group's journey.
Role: Historian/Librarian
Race: Hill Dwarf
Class: Wizard (School of Lore)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Background: Sage   Level: 5   Statistics   Hit Points: 27 (5d6 + 5)
Armor Class: 11
Speed: 25 ft.
Size: Medium   Abilities   Strength: 10
Dexterity: 12 (+1)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 8 (-1)   Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 12
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Elvish   Skills
  • Arcana +5
  • History +5
  • Investigation +5
Class Features   Lore Master: You gain proficiency with three skills of your choice and expertise in any of those skills.   Spellcasting: As a Wizard, you can cast a variety of spells to support your allies and acquire knowledge.   Actions   Dagger: Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 1d4 piercing damage.   Equipment   Dagger
A set of scholar's clothes
A letter of introduction from Orin's academic institution
A diary with notes on magical and historical research
A pouch containing 10 gp   Special Abilities  
  • Lore Master: You have proficiency in three skills of your choice and expertise in one of them, making you exceptionally knowledgeable in your areas of expertise.
  Background Traits  
  • Researcher: You are familiar with libraries, and you can assist the party in researching information or finding hidden knowledge.


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