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The Celestial Vigil of Concord

Written by DoStuffZ

The Celestial Vigil of Concord

  The Celestial Vigil of Concord is a powerful and ancient organisation tasked with maintaining balance across the planes and protecting the cosmic order. Operating through various branches, each with a unique focus, the Vigil carefully guides the flow of fate, deploying agents and forces when necessary to ensure no power disrupts reality.
The visitor crested the hill, his breath catching at the sight before him—a majestic castle, gleaming in celestial splendour. White marble walls soared into the sky, highlighted with radiant gold and silver trim, each surface reflecting the sun of this demi-plane. The architecture was impossibly grand, as though every stone had been placed by divine hands. As he neared, subtle details began to emerge—defensive battlements, hidden siege weaponry poised and ready within the castle's protective walls. They were understated, not meant to intimidate but to warn: this was no mere sanctuary. It was a fortress, capable of repelling the boldest of intruders. Yet, curiously, there was no sound. No hum of bustling activity. Only the quiet chirping of birds and the rustle of leaves in the wind.   Approaching the gates, the guards snapped to attention, their gleaming armour catching the light. Yet none of them challenged him, no one stepped forward to verify his permit or invitation. He hesitated briefly before dismounting his horse and leading it by the reins through the towering gates. They were colossal, as if designed to welcome giants, their sheer size a testament to the castle's grandeur and purpose. Still, no challenge came.   As he crossed the threshold of the barbican, the world shifted. The silence gave way to the low murmur of life, the distant sounds of a thriving, hidden city. It was as if the castle had kept its secrets until he passed through its protective embrace. Before him, the inner sanctum of the castle unfolded—an even grander vision than the exterior had promised.   “Ah, there you are. Welcome,” a voice called out. He turned to see a Deva approaching—an androgynous figure, draped in radiant celestial garb, with a calm, knowing smile. “Did you have any trouble finding your way?”   The visitor fumbled for his invitation, unsure of the protocol in such an awe-inspiring place. “Don’t worry about that,” the Deva said with a gentle wave of the hand. “We already checked it the moment you entered this plane.”   As they spoke, a unit of Vanguards marched by, their steps perfectly in sync. They moved with the grace of a force that had fought battles beyond mortal comprehension. “Company, halt!” the commander’s voice rang out, and in two precise steps, the entire formation stopped as one. “Company, turn right!” At the command, they pivoted in perfect unison, their gleaming armour and weapons ready for war.   The Deva, unfazed by the military display, gestured toward the grand structure ahead. “Come, I will be your guide. My name is Celeste, and you are our newest Hand.”   “Wait, my what? What is this place?” the visitor stammered as they began walking across the expansive courtyard. “Where am I, exactly?”   “All will become clear soon,” Celeste replied serenely. “You haven’t had your full introduction yet.”   They passed into the interior of the castle, and a feeling of calm washed over him. The atmosphere was one of perfect order—people moved purposefully, but without rush, their conversations hushed and measured. There was no chaos here, no raised voices or hurried movements, only serenity.   “So,” Celeste continued as they walked, “you’ve been selected. Your actions in the material world have not gone unnoticed. We believe you will be an excellent addition to the work we do here.”   He blinked, still processing the enormity of what was happening. “And what is this work, exactly?”   Celeste smiled softly. “You have been chosen to become part of the Concord Hand. We protect, intervene, and maintain the balance across the planes. You’ve been brought here because we see potential in you. Your journey is only beginning.”   As they ascended the steps of the main building, the visitor couldn’t shake the feeling that he was standing at the threshold of something far larger than himself.

The Core (Upper Management)

  At the top of the Vigil, The Core remains shrouded in mystery. No one knows their true identities, and they attend meetings via high-level magic. Their authority supersedes even the greatest deities, as they guide the Vigil’s actions based on the core principles of reality. Some members may walk among the organisation in day-to-day management roles but return to The Core when needed for decision-making.  

Analysis and Contingency Planning (ACP)

  Directly below The Core, ACP speculates on potential outcomes, using divination, intelligence, and analysis to generate strategies for the Vigil. Their predictions often span millennia and transcend pantheons, creating contingencies that may be passed through generations. After completing a task, ACP members undergo counselling or memory wipes to maintain mental clarity, though excessive wipes can lead to loss of body or soul.  


  Managers are assigned to oversee specific contingencies or triggers based on ACP’s findings. Each manager holds near-complete authority within their assigned task, whether it’s guarding hidden dangers or guiding mortals to complete crucial missions. Their power corresponds to the scope of their task, with long-term, broad roles granting more influence than short-term assignments.  

Divination/Intelligence ("The Eye")

  Known asThe Eye, this branch is responsible for gathering intelligence and divining across the planes. A group of seers remains perpetually connected to divination devices, monitoring the cosmos for significant events. They are supported by unconnected seers, who deploy agents, infiltrate mortal groups, and use powerful divination tools to gather information.  

R&D (Arcane Study Division)

  R&D is focused on both creating new arcane devices and studying retrieved artefacts. They develop tools for future use, build countermeasures, and find ways to neutralise dangerous artefacts. When specific resources are needed, agents are sent to gather materials from various planes. Sometimes, adventurers are chartered to secure rare items, funded by the Treasury.  

The Treasury

  The Treasury allocates funds and resources for the Vigil’s operations. They manage the flow of celestial currency, artefacts, and materials, ensuring each branch is supported. When adventurers are chartered for missions, the Treasury handles their compensation and ensures artefacts retrieved from the field are stored securely.  

The Concord Hand

  Whenever direct intervention is required, The Concord Hand is deployed. These agents are the first on the ground, handling a wide range of missions, from combat to infiltration. Their only requirement is the mentality to follow instructions, making them versatile operatives. Managers or any branch can charter a Hand for their needs.  

The Vanguard

  When full military force is required, The Vanguard is deployed. This powerful branch fields entire armies of celestials, including Planetars and Solars, backed by spelljamming fleets. Deploying the Vanguard requires strict adherence to the Divine Edicts, and permission must be obtained through negotiations with pantheons and cosmic authorities.  

Support (Medical, Logistics)

  The Support branch ensures the movement of personnel, items, and devices. They also provide medical aid within the Vigil but adhere to the Divine Edict when working externally. Support has access to Gates, Teleportation Circles, Spelljamming Ships, and external charters to transport resources and agents across planes.  

Protection/Defence/Abjuration (PDA)

  The PDA serves as the home defence branch of the Vigil. Similar in training to the Vanguard, they specialise in defensive and offensive operations. They maintain the wards protecting celestial domains and engage attackers with overwhelming force. Unlike the Vanguard, the PDA operates without strict Rules of Engagement, granting them more freedom in how they handle threats.
Secret, Brotherhood

Rules of Engagement (ROE) for the Celestial Vigil of Concord

  The Rules of Engagement (ROE) define strict guidelines the Celestial Vigil must follow to ensure their actions adhere to the cosmic balance. These rules apply across all branches and are non-negotiable, limiting how and when the Vigil can intervene in mortal and planar affairs.  

1. No Killing Without Permission from The Core

Celestial agents are prohibited from directly taking lives unless explicit permission is granted by The Core. The Vigil must always seek non-lethal solutions unless faced with existential threats that require drastic action.  

2. Restricted Knowledge Sharing

Agents cannot reveal everything to mortals. Key details about the celestial order, divine plans, or dangerous cosmic truths must be withheld unless The Core authorises such disclosure. Mortals must only receive what they can handle.  

3. Emotional Boundaries

Vigil members must not form deep emotional attachments with mortals. Falling in love, signing fealty contracts, or forming strong personal bonds beyond the mission parameters are strictly forbidden. Empathy can guide actions, but emotional entanglements can cloud judgement.  

4. No Interference with Mortal Free Will

The Vigil cannot directly control or manipulate the free will of mortals through magical means or coercion. Mortals must be allowed to make their own decisions, even if it leads to unintended consequences.  

5. No Direct Alteration of Fate

Agents are prohibited from directly altering the flow of fate. Subtle influence is permitted, but they cannot force or manipulate events that go against the natural order. Fate must be allowed to play out naturally, and any changes must align with the cosmic balance.  

6. Limited Intervention in Mortal Warfare

The Vigil cannot take sides in mortal conflicts unless there is a significant cosmic imbalance at stake. They may offer guidance but must remain neutral in wars unless authorised by The Core due to extraordinary circumstances.  

7. No Miracles Without Permission

Performing overt miracles such as healing, controlling weather, or resurrecting the dead is forbidden unless specifically authorised by The Core. Miracles can only be enacted when they align with divine goals and do not disrupt mortal belief or natural processes.  

8. No Long-Term Ties to Mortal Groups

Vigil agents cannot establish lasting relationships with mortal nations, factions, or religious organisations. They must remain transient in their operations, ensuring their neutrality and avoiding undue influence over mortal affairs.


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