Back in Saltmarsh Report in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Back in Saltmarsh

Deciding to stay in Saltmarsh for a while, the party decided to crash at the The Wicker Goat⁣⁣ and gather supplies.   On a recommendation, they reached out to Captain Xendros looking for magical goods. She had some on hand, potions of healing and a few specific spell scrolls, the party had a few requests. Tethrys asked for a staff to increase her sorcerous abilities, and Brine for more spell scrolls he could try to transcribe in his book.   During their down time, the party managed to get involved in a few things. Guy Fieri found himself a the Empty Nest, looking for strange. He found two incredibly hot elves, a man and woman. After trying, and failing, to flirt with the man, Guy switched tactics and flirted with the lady who was much more receptive. They had a fabulous evening, and she left behind her scarf, which Guy keeps with him.   Tethrys was hanging around in the market, talking to a small elf child who was remarkably unfrightened of her orc-ness. The child told Tethrys their great secret- there's a cool bird the kid saw around the Fishmongers' Plants. The bird was green. Very cool. Tethrys hung around all week hoping to see the bird, but was never so blessed.   Murtagh visited his cousin, Wolgar Windrune, Captain of the Soul of Winter, to let her know he was going to adventure for a while. While Wolgar seems supportive, especially after learning that Murtagh was staying to hunt down a cult, she was insistent that if Murtagh's mother asked, she would say Murtagh was apprenticing in woodworking. Murtagh did stay to help repair the Sould of Winter for a few days, before the party set off.     The next job they decided to take was offered by the Mariner's Guild. When the party went to visit and get the details of the job, Guy Fieri and the clerk, Gus Gus Botterfingers⁣⁣ chatted for a while.   The job was simple. Travel out to a lighthouse, manned by Major Ursa⁣⁣, and from there travel to Abbey Isle. The island was once a home to an abbey of Alfadir's church, but the island has been sacked by pirates. The island is perfectly situated to be a hub for the Mariners Guild, but the pirates left behind a beach full of undead on the only beach suitable for landing boats. Since the Mariner's Guild is particularly fond of boats, the party is tasked with clearing the beach, and the rest of the island, for the Mariner's Guild's use. The promised reward for this work is 2,000 gp, and were given a map of the coasts around Saltmarsh. Once the job is done, the party is to return and speak with Dain Liajor for their reward.   The party found an elf at the Saltmarsh docks, who agreed to ferry them up the coast for 75gp. Over the day and a half journey, Pirphal Elaroris, the seemingly half mad sailor, told them stories of how he himself faught a kraken that sunk his ship- when the ship went under, he was rescued by the currents themselves and delivered to Triton, god of the Sea. The God of the Sea through him a giant party, which seems pretty cool for a god to do.   When they asked about the Fire of the Deep, Pirphal also told stories of a goddess chained by it's power. He claimed the Fire of the Deep was thrown into a volcano, and that ruined the Great Metal Orchards in the Dwarven Atol, and that the Human Empire wanted to keep the fire for themselves to freeze the ocean.

Rewards Granted

Map of the coasts around saltmarsh