Church of Alfadir Organization in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Church of Alfadir

Swearing fealty, distributing crops, making highways safe, colleting taxes; Alfadir's priests have advised and informed the secular government, often the money lender to the legal, secular authority. They aren't the government, but they meddle enough to effectively govern areas they cared about.

Mythology & Lore

Legends say they used to be all one tribe, until Vanir visited the people and whispered in their ears, causing the first divides.


The Church of Alfadir is organized around a highly structured bishopric; priests and bishops are stationed in cities, and assigned and expected to aide the local government in the running of day to day operations. The Arch Bishop resides in the capital of the shattered lands, right hand man to the Last Earl of the Shattered Lands.   Temples and items are adorned with the Raven or the open eye to indicate his presence.   Priests of Alfadir wear grey robes as initiates, charcoal robes as priests, and black robes with red trim as high priests, though almost always belted with rope (high priests might have a silver woven rope but rope none the less).

Political Influence & Intrigue

Alfadir has a large temple in every major Human city, and when humans set up permanent governance in a city another temple is raised to Alfadir. The priests are found near seats of power, near secular authority. They sit on councils and are always amongst a counsel of advisors.  

Within the Shattered Lands

Priests within the Shattered Lands focus on keeping clan politics below a threshold of rebellion, and in times of crisis (famine, storms, monsters), distribute resources and aide.  

Outside the Shattered Lands

In theory they have the same duties, but outside the Shattered Lands there's a much higher emphasis on rooting out rebellion. There's an informal (ie not named as such) Inquistion branch, but it's only found in major cities and is looking for active secular rebellion. It's more CIA than Spanish Inquisition.
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The One Eyed God

Articles under Church of Alfadir