Forgemaster's Tongs Item in Dawn Islands | World Anvil

Forgemaster's Tongs

Forgemaster's Tongs

Adventuring Gear

Varies Requires Attunement

Your Dexterity score is increased by 2 while wearing these gloves. This property of the gloves has no effect on you if your Dexterity is already 20 or higher.   While wearing these gloves, you have a sure grip- you are not able to be disarmed, and you will not drop any item you are holding that you don't intend to drop.   While wearing these gloves, you are able to reach out and physically touch ongoing enchantments. When at the source of an Area of Effect spell, you can hold it's nexus and move it. Moving the nexus will change the location the Area of Effect is centered on. You are still subject to the effects of the Area of Effect Spell.   When touching an enchantment of rare, uncommon, or common, you can choose to break the enchantment. The magical effect will be broken, but the base item will remain physically unchanged.   When touching a creature under an effect of a spell, you can throw the effects off the creature, if the spell is third level or lower.  
  After being studied by Yola, an additional property has been revealed:   Deflect Incoming. As a reaction, you can deflect or catch a ranged spell attack that targets you and only you. When you do so, the damage you take is reduced by 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.   Twice a day, if you reduce the damage to 0 and have at least one hand free, you can catch the missile and make a ranged spell attack as a part of the same reaction.

These gloves are made of a black leather of unknown origin. Around each wrist is a solid silver band, from which spidery metal rods descend down the tendons of the hands, and along each finger. The joints are studded with impossibly tiny crystals that subtly catch the light and glitter.

  Time longer spent attuned with and using the gloves will increase the strenght of these effects.
Item type
Current Holder
Artifact, (requires Attunement)
2 lbs
Found During Finding the Forgemaster's Tongs