Triton Character in Dawn Islands | World Anvil



Triton is said to reside in a grand hall beneath the sea, where raucuous parties are thrown every night. There are myths and legends of being trapped within the hall, losing sense of time.   When Triton rises from his halls, it is accompanied by storms and waves to swallow an island whole.   His bounty is the resources of the sea, and it is said he blesses isolated fishermen.

Worship & Priests

Triton is said to be easy to offend- there are supersitions sailors follow to the letter inorder to stave off "offending Triton" and brining storms or choppy water.   His temples in costal towns, in predominantly elvish or halfling areas, tend to be grand halls that are the center of all his festivals. Festivals are known for feasting and an abundance of alcohol, and the festival never turns away a reveler.