Crimson Reaver Bandit

Led by a mysterious figure calling themselves a “Freedom Fighter” and heeding the council of a notorious Fallen Paladin. These bandits have swept through the eastern part of the continent over the last three years and have made travel and trade dangerous. Hunted by the Reman and Dawn Alliance governments they claim that they are disposing of tyrants and rich nobles and claim to to be “for the people” but many question this.   Culture: Bandit
Class: NPC
APR: Medium (level 2)
Hit Points: 5
Attack: By weapon
Weapons Allowed: Stick, club, knife, dagger, staff, bow and arrow (6 shots), short sword, long sword, short spear, glave, pole ax, two handed ax, one handed axe



Shield Use: All bandits may use small shields and bucklers regardless of their class or culture. They can also use the small shield and buckler with any of their one handed weapons.
  Bandit Weapons Training: Bandits receive a +1 damage to club, stick, staff, dagger, knife, bow and arrow, and, and short sword. Additionally all bandits can perform “Backstab” with the club or stick.
  Backstab: You ignore all APR if you make a melee attack from behind or the side. You must call out “Backstab” for each strike. If your strike is successful, the target's HP drops to 0. Can be used an unlimited amount of times but it cannot be used with ranged attacks or spells.
  Dirty Tricks: Bandits are notorious for their underhanded tactics. Use a brown bean bag (or similar item) with this ability. Each bandit gets three attacks a day with this (3X day) and this can be renewed. This represents “dirty tactics” like throwing dirt into an opponent's eyes. For every Dirty Tricks bean bag that strikes a target the target receives minus one (-1) weapon damage on any attack until the end of the encounter. A Heal or Mass Heal from a Battle Cleric may counter this.
  Archery: All bandits may fire six shots per day (6/day).
  Base of Operation: Bandits may return to base as a ghost to be revived. Bandits may also renew special abilities this way. The bandits can use the standard support characters as well (Entertainer, Smith, Healer, etc). If a bandit wishes to gain a blessing, a scroll, or a potion they must still go into town.


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