
Eilistraee, also referred to as "The Dark Maiden", the Silver Goddess, and in the Dawn Lands "the Silver Lady". She is a goddess in the dark elf pantheon, and her portfolios are song, swordwork, hunting, the moon, and beauty. Her worshippers are good Dark Elves hoping to escape the Underdark's evil, Lolth-worshiping matriarchal society (known as the Dark Lady in the Dawn Lands), and regain a place in the surface world.   She is worshiped by song and dance, if at all possible, in the surface world under the moonlit night among the woods. She takes great pleasure in bards learning new songs, craftsmen at work, and the doing of kindhearted deeds. Among her followers are dark elves, humans, gnomes, elves, shapeshifters (children of the moon) and fae.   Eilistraee is represented by a dark elf female in the nude, dancing with a silver sword under the moon.   Eilistraee's followers are fairly small in number, and frequently met with distrust from both the generally dark elf-fearing outside world, and followers of the Dark Lady in particular. There is rumored to be a temple of Eilistraee in the elvish city of Eshanasera.   The clergy of Eilistraee are collectively known as "the NightLadies" or “Moon Dancers”, although individual temples often have their own naming conventions for both the clergy collectively and individual titles.   Young initiates and acolytes are known as Maids. Individual titles vary greatly from temple to temple, but some suitable examples include Moon Dancer, Moon Singer, Dark Huntress, Argent Maid, Living Sword, Unsheathed Blade, Sword Smith, Bright Edge of Darkness, Darksong Knight, Protector and Ghost of the Moonstruck Night.   Priestesses of Eilistraee have no ceremonial garb; instead, they aim to wear clothing that is comfortable for their official ceremonies. The holy symbols of the faith vary, including: a silver sword pendant the size of a hand, a silver bastard sword outlined against a silver moon with silvery filaments, and a nude long-haired female dark elf dancing with a silver sword in front of a full moon.   One of the highest rites and ceremonies of Eilistraee is 'The Hunt'. The followers of the Dark Maiden take up their blessed weapons under the light of the full moon, they hunt a chosen animal (and in some more violent cases, orcs, were-kin or other such fiends that threaten the safety of the surrounding area and its occupants).   Ceremoniously, they partake in something of a dance as they chase down the animal (or fiend) and sacrifice it in the name of their Deity. If it is an animal that they chose, the body is usually dressed and prepared as a meal for the partakers in The Hunt. The meal is followed with a celebration of song and dance in praise of Eilistraee and of the earth and moon itself.

Divine Domains

beauty, song, dance, freedom, moonlight, swordwork, and hunting


The Sword of Eilistraee, said to be forged from a moonbeam.

Holy Books & Codes

Many followers of Eilistraee, and especially her clerics, strive to learn and promote arts—with a soft spot for music and dance—as well as teaching them and passing along the knowledge of particular pieces, songs, or dances learned during travels or created by them. They would also take care of broken musical instruments, or craft new ones. Those who didn't know an art, were instead known to support bards by hiring them when they could afford it. This was part of their way to promote joy and merriment in their communities and during their travels.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A sword, a crescent moon, and a drow maiden (usually dancing with a sword in front of a crescent moon).

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To redeem all Dark Elves, to destroy all of the monsters that would harm good folk, and to teach all peoples to dance and sing and cooperate.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good


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