Freebie Shakerquick

Freebie Shakerquick’s legacy is one of courage, loyalty, and pragmatism. Though he was a mercenary by trade, he was much more than that to those who fought beside him. Freebie was a warrior who lived life on his own terms, never allowing his small size to define his capabilities or his worth. His name became well-known among the adventuring circles of Shiandria, not as a mere mercenary, but as a warrior who stood shoulder to shoulder with giants—both in stature and in spirit.   To this day, tales of Freebie’s exploits are told in taverns and around campfires, inspiring other Smallfolk to take up arms and seek their own adventures. And in the hearts of those who knew him, Freebie Shakerquick remains a symbol of the power of determination, loyalty, and the indomitable spirit of the Smallfolk.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Freebie Shakerquick was born into a large and bustling family of Smallfolk—known for their nimbleness, cleverness, and resourcefulness—in a quiet village nestled within the rolling hills of the south, beyond the wall. From a young age, Freebie displayed an uncanny knack for getting out of tight situations, earning his nickname "Shakerquick" for his ability to shake off trouble and move quickly out of harm’s way. Despite his small stature, Freebie was always quick to stand up for himself and his kin, developing a reputation for being tough, resilient, and fiercely loyal.   As Freebie grew older, he became fascinated by the tales of adventurers who passed through his village—stories of battles fought, treasures won, and distant lands explored. The idea of a life filled with excitement and danger called to him, and he longed to make a name for himself beyond the confines of his small village.


Driven by a desire for adventure, Freebie left his home and began to wander the Dawn Lands, offering his services as a mercenary to those in need. His small size made him an excellent scout, and his quick reflexes and sharp mind allowed him to hold his own in combat. He quickly gained a reputation as a reliable and fearless warrior, albeit one who always made sure his services were fairly compensated. Freebie was pragmatic and understood the value of a coin, knowing that it was often the difference between life and death in the dangerous world of adventuring.

Personality Characteristics


Over time, Freebie became an integral part of the adventuring group, not just as a hired hand but as a trusted companion. While he was originally bought and paid for, Freebie's loyalty extended far beyond mere coin. He admired Volstag's unwavering faith and strength, respected Ursagor's cunning and leadership, and shared a mutual understanding with Aryellas of the importance of trust in their line of work.   Freebie was always willing to charge into battle alongside his companions, despite the odds. His small size made him an elusive target, and his quick strikes often caught opponents off guard. He was also known for his inventive tactics, using his surroundings to his advantage in ways that larger warriors often overlooked. His fearlessness in the face of danger earned him the respect of his comrades and the fear of his enemies.


Contacts & Relations

Freebie’s life took a significant turn when he crossed paths with Volstag Martokson, the Battle Cleric of Torag, and Admiral Ursagor, the infamous pirate lord. The two had been traveling together, seeking out new challenges and opportunities, when they encountered Freebie in a small coastal town. Recognizing his potential and appreciating his straightforward approach to business, Volstag and Ursagor hired Freebie to assist them in a particularly dangerous mission.   During this mission, which involved a treacherous journey through the dense forests of the Dawn Lands to retrieve a sacred relic, Freebie proved his worth time and again. His keen senses helped the group avoid numerous traps and ambushes, and his bravery in combat was undeniable. It was during this mission that Freebie also met Aryellas Darkbloom, a Faefolk rogue with a sharp wit and a mysterious past. Despite their differences in background and stature, Freebie and Aryellas formed a strong bond, each respecting the other's skills and tenacity.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Mayor of Freebie Town
South Hills
Current Residence
Freebie Town
120 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I’ll fight your battles and guard your loot, but if there’s pie involved, consider the job already done!"

"If the pay’s right, I’ll take the risk. But remember, I don’t fight for free—unless there’s treasure involved. Then we might have a deal."
Smallfolk Pantheon
Ruled Locations

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