
In the churning mists off the northern coasts, where the sea meets the sky in an endless battle, a monstrous creature stirs. The Nuckelavee, they call it – a warped reflection of life, born from spite and despair. Legends whisper of a time before, when the land and sea lived in harmony. A powerful kelpie, a water spirit, guarded the coasts, ensuring safe passage for sailors. But a terrible storm, conjured by a vengeful sorcerer, tore the kelpie from its noble duty, twisting its form into a grotesque parody.   Now, the Nuckelavee is a fusion of nightmare and malice. Its upper half – a hulking man, skinless with muscles exposed. His breath hangs heavy with the stench of decay, and his touch withers crops and taints the very air. The lower half – a monstrous horse, its legs fused to the man's torso – gallops across the land, leaving a trail of poisoned foam in its wake. Together, they are a blight upon the land, a symbol of the sea's vengeance. The Nuckelavee roams the coasts, driven by an insatiable hunger and a hatred for all living things. It preys on the unwary, leaving only desolation in its wake. It lairs in areas of swampy, stagnant water and is considered to be of the Winter Court of Fairies and will never tread near the Summer Court.   Culture: Demonic, Fae
Class: Monster
APR: 1
Hit Points: 16
Attack: by arms and horse head


Horse Breath: The Nuckelavee's horse-like half can exhale a noxious and poisonous breath. This is represented by black spell packs and acts just like the Necromancer's Drain Energy spell, with the exception that the Nuckelavee can throw as many as three (3) spell packs at a time.
Razor Sharp Claws: The monstrous humanoid half of the Nuckelavee possesses razor-sharp claws for close combat. This does 3 damage and is considered a piercing attack.
Destroy Crops: When passing by an area all crops, and food, are ruined and rotted. This also affects all potions.
Spread Disease: if the Nuckelavee touches a target player, monster, or NPC with their arm they are sick and considered to have Plague. Players, NPCs, and monsters immune to plague are also immune to this attack/effect. While affected by this attack the player is very tired and sick and must stop and rest to the count of 5 seconds after every 5 paces.
Infect Animal: The Nuckelavee causes animals to become sick and die. Familiars, pets, companions, and mounts that come within 5 paces of the Nuckelavee are killed and no longer provide the benefits to their owners.


Rushing Water: The Nuckelavee cannot cross rushing or running water.
Demonic: Holy Blast does additional damage. May be contained by magic circles.
Fae: Cold Iron reduces the Nuckelavee’s APR to 0.


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