Plague Spawn

These creatures are infected humanoid creatures created by the followers of Orcus. Once a Plague Spawn is created all memories and cultural training and heritage are erased, and replaced with hatred for all living things. They all hate the living, of any kind, and only live to serve Orcus and destroy all life.
  APR: 0
HP: 3
Culture: Infected
Class: Plague Spawn


Attack: by weapon

Claws: Must touch the target with a bare hand and call out “claws”. Does 2 points of piercing damage.

Demonic: Holy blast does additional damage. May be contained by magic circles.

Undead: Considered undead for use of special abilities, spells, potions, and scrolls. Although, they do not suffer most other abilities and restrictions that most Undead do.

Center Shot: zombies, and most other undead (Plague Spawn in this case), are immune to hits targeting the arms, hands, feet, or legs (and as usual the head). Only hits to the body (front, back or side) count.

Cursed Ground: The area that the Plague Spawn enters the Battleground or Encounter Area is considered cursed and anyone passing through it takes 1 point of unholy damage. The target player, monster, or NPC in the area of the Cursed Ground continues to take 1 HP of damage for every minute in the area. Plague spawn may also return to their Cursed Ground and resurrect during a battle or encounter.

Summon Vermin: The Plague Spawn has the ability to summon swarms of disease-carrying insects or rats to aid it in battle. These are thrown “spell packs” of stuffed animals (vermin) and rubber rats. Most or all of the Plague Spawn will have one (1) rubber rat and the stuffed animals come from other sources. If a player is struck with any of these they have to the count of 30 to seek medical attention or they are reduced to 0 HP and die.


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