
Often times referred to as a "Dark Strider" or a "Black Tower Cow" these creatures roam the countryside. Making their homes in fields, forest, and mountains, they eat crops, scavenge food stuff in the area, and event occasional hunt small game. Some believe that they are semi-intelligent but there seems to be no proof of this. Extremely strong for a heard animal they are able to strike with great force. They also spite acidic poison at aggressors, this doesn't seem to hurt the skin of the attack but can destroy or burn hair, clothing, armor, equipment, or shields.  


APR : Light (level 1) *due to thick hide*
HP: 20  


Ghost Talker   Herd protection
For every Strider in a group past the first one grants a +1 HP to each other strider (to a max of +3 for a total of 23 HP). For every 2 striders past the first strider in a group each strider gains +1 to APR (to a max total of +2 for a group of 5 striders)   Acidic Spit
Target player hit with acidic spit loses 1 HP per hit. Acidic spit destros shield on contact and reduces armor APR per hit   Maul
if struck by the strider’s arm the target player's shield is destroyed, if the target player has no shield their armor is destroyed, if no armor then they are knocked unconscious (but not dead) until they can be taken to safety and recover.   Limited Vital Areas
Due to the strong and tough nature of the Strider only strikes to certain areas can damage it.


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