The sundering of Sylvanus and the Aftermath

Submitted by Sgt. Brannith Marius By the power of her queen the Morrigan and my own iron will, I was able to drag myself off of the battlefield, having witnessed the death of the appointed Reman governor Count Orlock. Turns out he was in actuality some sort of undead the entire time. This is when I start to question the Reman Senate and their claims of bringing civilization to the wider world. But in this particular case I feel that the village of Sylvanus may be worse for its absence. I have fled the village, but from what I can tell the bandits and (former?) Reman allies, the Tiss, have occupied the town. Most good citizens have fled the village leaving on the bandits and their rebel queen. I will organize the survivors into a band and make for New Dawn, in hopes that we can find protection there. It was my duty to serve Count Orlock, but I secretly thank the Dark Crow that he is dead. One hopes this time he is dead once and for all. This, and I hear rumors of the “Wild Hunt” visiting the lands.


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